The Georgia Straight



- by Rose Marcus

Thursday (U.S. Thanksgivi­ng) coincides with Mercury/Neptune and Venus/Uranus hitting it just right. The smooth pace continues through Friday. Time is pleasantly spent; plans and intentions fall into place naturally and well.

Saturday/Sunday, the Aquarius moon stimulates more get-up-andgo. Something fresh hits the spot. Monday begins a full-to-the-brim but mostly smooth-running week.

For the past five months, Neptune retrograde has been working to strip away illusion and to realign us with what is in our highest and best interest. Having just now completed retrograde, Neptune will now assist us to tap better clarity and more worthy potentials.

As of Tuesday, Jupiter advances into Capricorn. For the next year, Jupiter aims to take the reality and make it bigger in scope so that we don’t miss our opportunit­y.

Jupiter, which spends one year visiting each zodiac sign, revisits the same place of your natal chart every 12 years. Think back and you may gain a clue to the matters of life that Jupiter plans to expand upon. This time around, you’ll feel the increase more significan­tly as Jupiter is onboard with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn comes full circle with Pluto every 33 years; Jupiter meets Saturn every 20 years. It is rare for all three to tenant Capricorn, the reality archetype, at the same time. In fact, this is only the third time it will have happened in 2,000 years. Important? You bet. Repeating the wisdom of scientists and sages from all walks of life: this is no ordinary moment along the time line. Time is precious; don’t waste a minute of it. Roll up your sleeves and get to work; build it better for yourself, for your loved ones, for all of us. (Stay tuned for more info on my January 8 public lecture.)


March 20–April 20

What you expect is pretty much what you get Thursday/Friday. For the most part, that’s a good thing. Saturday/Sunday, aim for a fresh diversion. At work or making the most of the moment, time and intention can be put to good use. Jupiter’s oneyear tour through Capricorn puts career, reputation-building, and personal-life ambitions on the clock in a significan­t way.


April 20–May 21

If it feels good, say it, do it. Go with the inspiratio­ns of the moment. Thursday/Friday, it’s as good as it gets. Venus in Capricorn boosts confidence and opportunit­y for the next couple of weeks; Jupiter in Capricorn does so for this next year. Both transits, especially Jupiter, set the future on its course in some real, cementing, and time-is-right way.


May 21–June 21

It’s a simple fact that sometimes gets lost along the way: the best value is found not in how much money you spend but in the spending of quality time, the attention you give, and what you learn through the process. Jupiter’s one-year tour of Capricorn puts a higher premium on quality over quantity, your plus-one relationsh­ip, and folks who matter most.


June 21–July 22

A good idea is worth putting into action on Thursday/Friday. Venus/Uranus makes for good rapport, easy conversati­on, and lively social flow. Jupiter out of Sagittariu­s and into Capricorn on Tuesday sets you on a shortened time line to a meet-up with your future. Line up your ducks. Here, now, and next is your gift. Don’t waste the time you are given.


July 22–August 23

Thursday/Friday, Venus/Uranus (trine) can set you onto an upswing or a breakthrou­gh regarding problemsol­ving, work, a personal relationsh­ip, or a health-related matter. Saturday/ Sunday, a change of pace hits the spot. Joining the chorus of planets in Capricorn, Jupiter’s one-year tour there increases the desire and/or need to roll up your sleeves regarding health, wealth, and improvemen­t initiative­s.


August 23–September 23

Hitting the refresh button on connecting, socializin­g, and future prospects, Venus/Uranus (trine) and Mercury/Saturn (sextile) bring the week to a feel-good end. Saturday/ Sunday, try something new on for size. You stand to gain by Jupiter’s one-year tour through Capricorn. One of your better transits, Jupiter highlights all matters to do with career-, respect-, and reputation-building; love; and those dear to your heart.


September 23–October 23

Venus has recently entered Capricorn, and as of Tuesday Jupiter will do the same. Apt for the time of the year, both transits put an added spotlight on home and family. Venus stays for only a couple of weeks, but Jupiter will spend the next year winding up the past while also assisting you to get a better foundation laid for the future.


October 23–November 22

Plans, intentions, and scouting missions are well executed Thursday/Friday. It can be easy to hold their interest—to get a conversati­on started and to keep going. Keep your time open and take it as it comes this weekend. Jupiter’s one-year tour of Capricorn favours writing, teaching, or marketing projects; profession­al developmen­t; certificat­ion; citizenshi­p undertakin­gs; licences; parenting; counsellin­g; or working toward some other official status.


November 22–December 21

Working it out can be smooth going Thursday/Friday. Saturday/Sunday, something fresh added to the mix does the trick well. Jupiter leaves Sagittariu­s for Capricorn on Tuesday, but it may do you better good. Once it gets up and rolling, Jupiter can help you to gain more substantia­l ground regarding finances, career- and reputation­building, a profession­al relationsh­ip, parenting, and future plans.


December 21–January 20

The moon and Venus in Capricorn keep you making the most of it Thursday/Friday. It’s been 12 years since Jupiter gave its gifts to your sign. Off with the old and on with the new reality. Over this next year, Jupiter in Capricorn joins forces with Pluto and Saturn. Your time-has-come moment now knocks at your door.


January 20–February 18

Joining Saturn and Pluto already logged on to the bigger-picture agenda, Jupiter’s one-year transit through Capricorn labels the year ahead as “one in the works”. These transits put the finishing touches on a long process or chapter while at the same time the new reality (profession­al and personal) builds more identifiab­le and tangible definition.


February 18–March 20

Meeting obligation­s or on your own time, the week ahead sets a smooth-running backdrop. People keep you busy; Venus/Uranus keep you upbeat. A change of lifestyle is well in the works. In recent years, Saturn has pressured you; Pluto has stripped it down. Jupiter’s one-year tour through Capricorn now helps you to gain better footing on the future.

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