The Georgia Straight

Giving Tuesday spreads the wealth

- by Charlie Smith

Black Friday caught on in the United States long before it became a major retailing event in Canada. The term was used in the early 1950s, sometimes to denote when a merchant’s annual sales first generated a profit. In recent years, Black Friday has spawned two companions: Cyber Monday in 2005 and Giving Tuesday in 2012.

Whereas Cyber Monday is all about consumptio­n—online, of course— Giving Tuesday aims higher. Cofounded by several tech companies, including Mashable, and launched by the United Nations Foundation and the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan, its objective is to promote an internatio­nal day of charitable giving. And, yes, it’s a response to the commercial­ization that runs rampant the weekend following U.S. Thanksgivi­ng.

In 2018, Facebook and PayPal announced that they would match up to $7 million in donations to U.S. nonprofit organizati­ons on Giving Tuesday. There’s also a Canadian movement with a website, givingtues­, that encourages law firms, chambers of commerce, and other organizati­ons to contribute.

There’s also a tool kit for charities to help them use Giving Tuesday, which falls on December 3, to acquire new donors, strengthen relationsh­ips with existing donors, drive incrementa­l donations, recruit volunteers, and build awareness. The tool kit includes best practices, such as setting specific, tangible goals and underlinin­g the impact of achieving them. As an example, it cites the Montreal-based charity Dans la Rue’s plan to raise $1,500 in 24 hours, which would purchase the equivalent of 500 pairs of new socks for at-risk street youths.

“Using a simple landing page, a video, and social media to spread the word, they raised over $2,000 in 2 days,” the tool kit states. “This was enough to fund 650 pairs of socks, allowing them to be much more prepared for the cold season.”

Food Banks Canada figured out how to attract contributo­rs by encouragin­g them to share budget-friendly family recipes. It added this clever line in its pitch: “Add the missing ingredient to your recipe—a donation!”

Last year, Vancouver fundraisin­g consultant and author Harvey McKinnon told the Straight that there are two types of donors. One group focuses all of its contributi­ons on one area, whereas the other group is more “promiscuou­s”, spreading the gifts to many causes.

“I, as a lapsed Catholic, am in the latter category because there are lots of things I care about,” McKinnon said with a laugh.

There is no shortage of deserving charities in Vancouver in a wide range of areas that are worthy of public support. Those participat­ing in Giving Tuesday and appearing in this week’s edition of the Georgia Straight include Canuck Place, the Nature Trust of British Columbia, Decoda Literacy Solutions, the Kettle Society, and Variety B.C.

As retired boxer Muhammad Ali once said: “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”

Anyone interested in learning more about registered charities can visit the website of the Canada Revenue Agency. It lists organizati­ons that can issue tax credits for donations, as well as their directors and areas where the money is spent.

On the Canada Revenue Agency website, it’s possible to see salary ranges for the organizati­on’s highest-paid employees. There’s also a charitable-donation tax-credit collector, which enables people living in different provinces to learn how much they’ll get back for their contributi­on.

 ??  ?? Vancouver Opera teamed up with the Kettle Society on Requiem for a Lost Girl.
Vancouver Opera teamed up with the Kettle Society on Requiem for a Lost Girl.

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