The Georgia Straight

This year’s Vancouver Bach Festival is a unique fusion of traditiona­l Scottish and baroque music

- (This story is sponsored by Early Music Vancouver.)

While there are tons of activities that folks look forward to every summer, events that feature live music are always at the top of the list. Well aware of the public’s thirst for entertaini­ng performanc­es, Early Music Vancouver is bringing the Bach Festival back to the city, from July 26 to August 6.

And it’s not only for diehard fans of Johann Sebastian Bach, the renowned German composer. The festival lineup is filled with classical and folk performanc­es, showcasing talented fiddlers in the Acadian, Scottish, and Métis style. The event will appeal to anyone who enjoys listening to toe-tapping melodies in an unpretenti­ous, inclusive atmosphere.

The performanc­es are scheduled to be held at several locations across Vancouver—none of which are stuffy and overcrowde­d. Shows will be presented at cathedral and traditiona­l concert halls, the Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, botanical gardens, and even a Celtic pub.

The 2022 lineup fuses traditiona­l music from Scotland and classical composers from the baroque era. For those unfamiliar with this period in time, baroque is a style of music, poetry, and art that was popular in Europe during the 17th century.

Composers like Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Johannes Brahms used traditiona­l folk tunes as a basis for some of their compositio­ns—and the other way around. The musicians who played in pubs and taverns often riffed on the music created by the classical composers. The baroque era was a time of musical inspiratio­n and sharing.

Throughout the 12-day festival, attendees can catch performanc­es from the Pacific Baroque Orchestra, violinist David Greenberg, cellist Christina Mahler, soprano Ellen Torrie, violinist Chloe Kim, and many others. For the full list of in-person and digital concert offerings, visit

Performanc­es will explore Bach’s love for adapting works from other composers, new works by Canadian composers, a repertoire of Scottish tunes, dark songs from cathedrals in Germany and Austria, and more.

To purchase your tickets to the Vancouver Bach Festival, visit

 ?? Photo by David Greenberg. ?? Violinist David Greenberg and keyboardis­t David McGuinness will reveal the links between Scottish folk tunes and baroque music at this year’s Vancouver Bach Festival.
Photo by David Greenberg. Violinist David Greenberg and keyboardis­t David McGuinness will reveal the links between Scottish folk tunes and baroque music at this year’s Vancouver Bach Festival.

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