The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Moscow court sets free Russian punk rocker

Two members of rock group still face punishment for protest


MOSCOW — One jailed member of the punk band Pussy Riot unexpected­ly walked free from a Moscow courtroom, but the other two now head toward a harsh punishment for their irreverent protest against President Vladimir Putin: a penal colony.

The split ruling by the appeals court Wednesday added further controvers­y to a case that has been seized upon in the West as a symbol of Putin’s intensifyi­ng crackdown on dissent.

All three women were convicted in August of hooliganis­m motivated by religious hatred and sentenced to two years in prison. They argued in court on Wednesday that their impromptu performanc­e inside Moscow’s main cathedral in February was political in nature and not an attack on religion.

The Moscow City Court ruled that Yekaterina Samutsevic­h’s sentence should be suspended because she was thrown out of the cathedral by guards before she could remove her guitar from its case and thus did not take part in the performanc­e.

If the Kremlin’s plan was to create a rift in the trio by letting just one band member go, it didn’t seem to work. The two other defendants squealed with joy and hugged Samutsevic­h before she was led from the courtroom to be mobbed by friends and journalist­s waiting outside on the street.

Dressed in neon- colored dresses and tights, with homemade balaclavas on their heads, the band members performed a “punk prayer” asking the Virgin Mary to save Russia from Putin as he headed into a March election that would hand him a third term.

“If we unintentio­nally offended any believers with our actions, we express our apologies,” said Samutsevic­h, who along with Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnik­ova spoke in court Wednesday from inside a glass cage known colloquial­ly as the “aquarium.”

Both the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church would like to see an end to a case that has caused internatio­nal outrage, but they would hate to be seen as caving to pressure. As much as anything, the release of Samutsevic­h is viewed as a reward for her decision this month to drop defence lawyers who had antagonize­d the Kremlin with their politicize­d statements.

“The idea of the protest was political, not religious,” Samutsevic­h said. “In this and in previous protests we acted against the current government of the president, and against the Russian Orthodox Church as an institutio­n of the Russian government, against the political comments of the Russian patriarch. Exactly because of this I don’t consider that I committed a crime.”

Rights groups were frustrated by the appeals court decision.

“To see these two women sent to a Russian penal colony for the crime of singing a song undercuts any claim that Putin and the Russian government have to democracy and freedom of expression,” Suzanne Nossel, executive director of Amnesty Internatio­nal USA, said Wednesday in a telephone interview from Washington.

 ??  ?? Freed feminist punk group Pussy Riot member Yekaterina Samutsevic­h smiles as she speaks outside a court in Moscow Wednesday.
Freed feminist punk group Pussy Riot member Yekaterina Samutsevic­h smiles as she speaks outside a court in Moscow Wednesday.

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