The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Can Liberals make the old new again?

- Chantal Hébert is a national affairs writer. Copyright 2012 Torstar Syndicatio­n Services.

In politics — as opposed to journalism — plagiarism is a virtue, not a vice. In Canada, the practice of putting one’s stamp on material borrowed from a rival’s policy handbook has a long and, in many instances, noble history.

For a recent illustrati­on, think back to Stephen Harper’s 2006 decision to take ownership of the Bloc Québécois’ nation resolution.

In so doing, the prime minister jettisoned two decades of Reform party rhetoric overnight. But he also robbed the Quebec sovereignt­y movement of one of its most effective hotbutton issues.

In their glory days as Canada’s natural governing party, the Liberals were masters at the art of appropriat­ing some of the stronger ideas of their opposition critics.

Medicare and the clarity act on Quebec secession are only two of the many shiny objects that were plucked from an opposition nest to be turned into crown jewels of the legacy of a Liberal prime minister.

The Liberals’ past record as the magpies of federal politics may account for their current failure to formulate policies that truly distinguis­h their brand.

For the record, the most striking pronouncem­ent to come out of the latest Liberal convention brainstorm­ing was a bid to legalize marijuana.

What is certain is there are plenty of policies out there that are just begging to be borrowed. Some actually build on the foundation of Pierre Trudeau’s legacy.

Take electoral reform — a battle horse of the federal NDP that is not seeing a lot of action these days.

Rather than count on a new episode of Trudeauman­ia to restore their party’s national presence, the Liberals could do worse than take over the cause of a more proportion­al electoral system.

Not only would such a reform offer the Liberal party its best chance to reconnect with representa­tion from Western Canada in this lifetime, but it would also act as a powerful counterwei­ght to the gravitatio­nal forces of regionalis­m.

Counterbal­ancing those forces used to be a Liberal mission.

Take, then, the concept of a just society that Justin Trudeau’s father introduced in the national conversati­on in the ’ 60s.

With the gap between rich and poor getting wider by the decade, the holes in the country’s once ambitious social safety net rather than its frayed meshes increasing­ly define it.

At the same time, fiscal and constituti­onal realities make a return to the days of wall-to-wall national social programs neither likely nor desirable.

Those realities do not preclude the Liberals making a guaranteed national income system their signature social policy.

As a bonus, that’s a concept the Conservati­ve attack dogs might break their teeth on.

One of their own, Tory Senator Hugh Segal, is one of the most vocal advocates of a reform that would see a patchwork of welfare measures replaced with a universal barrier against abject poverty.

It is mostly in the margins that political branding is most effective these days and the Conservati­ves have proven particular­ly adept on that front.

In the process, they have turned their party into a monarchist vehicle.

But who speaks for the growing legions of Canadians who have no British roots and no inclinatio­n to see their country as a natural part of the anglophile compact that so recently spearheade­d the misguided war on Iraq?

It is hard to think of a stance that would go a longer way to reconnect the federal Liberals with Quebec and with many of the constituen­cies that make up the New Canada than the offer of a strong post- monarchy vision of the country.

There was a time when the Liberals would rather fight for groundbrea­king ideas — including some of their own, like the Official Languages Act, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the Iraq war — than fudge them.

Over the past decade, that combative spirit has largely been replaced by a defensive nostalgia.

If the Liberals have come to be equated with a bland slate, it is not for lack of provocativ­e material but for an apparently crippling fear of committing bold words to the party’s policy page.

 ?? Chantal Hébert ??
Chantal Hébert

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