The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Community happenings

Oct. 11- 13



Rev. Richard Rohr Webcast 2, entitled Practicing Contemplat­ion and Facing Paradox, is being presented on Thursday, Oct. 11, at the Martha Spirituali­ty Centre, SDU Place, 45 Great George St., Charlottet­own, Level One, at the back entrance off King Street. The session is facilitate­d by Gilles Michaud and begins at 7 p. m. with a $ 10 fee payable at the door. To register, call 367- 3103.

P. E. I. 2014 Inc. will hold an informatio­n session at the Crapaud

Community Hall on Oct. 11, 7- 9 p. m., to provide an overview of the P. E. I. 2014 Fund. Everyone is welcome to attend to learn about how to apply for project funding. For more informatio­n on the P. E. I. 2014 Fund, visit www.pei2014/ fund or call 1- 877- PEI- 2014.


T. O. P. S. PE # 906 Cornwall meets each Thursday in the basement of St. Francis of Assisi Church, 6: 30- 8 p. m. For more informatio­n, call Noreen Gavin, 566- 3692.


The fall rally of the AMS PEI Presbyteri­al is Saturday, Oct. 13 at Camp Keir, hosted by the Presbyteri­an Women, Kirk of St. James, Charlottet­own. Rev. Dr. James Farris will be guest speaker. His theme is A Caribbean Church Divorce: The Children Carry On. Registrati­on is at 9: 30 a. m. The rally will begin at 10 a. m. The registrati­on fee will be $ 5. Lunch will be provided. A fall executive meeting will follow.


An NDP dinner will be held at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottet­own on Oct. 13 with a reception at 6 p. m. and dinner at 7 p. m. Keynote speakers include the new provincial leader and Tom Mulcair, leader of the official opposition. Tickets are at 892- 1930 or atndppei@pei. New members are welcome.


The Mayflower Seniors Club has

bridge play every Thursday, starting at 1: 30 p. m. The club is in the Robert L. Cotton Centre on Bunbury Road. All Bridge players are welcome. Call 569- 1425.

Auction 45s is played at the Seniors Active Living Centre, CARI Complex UPEI, Thursdays at 1 p. m.

Cash bingo is at the Montague Legion Br. 8, 15 Douses Rd., Thursdays, 7 p. m. There will also be a 50/ 50 draw, a progressiv­e jackpot, canteen service and compliment­ary tea and coffee.

Card play is every Thursday at 7 p. m. in St Margaret’s Hall.

Social duplicate bridge will be held Thursdays, 7- 10 p. m., at The Haviland Club, 2 Haviland St., Charlottet­own. Call 628- 1949.

Crokinole is played weekly on Thursdays at the Hunter River Lions Hall, 7: 30 p. m. There are eight games, prizes and lunch for $ 4. No partner is needed.

Cards 45s singles is at the Fort Augustus Rec Centre, weekly on Thursdays, beginning Oct. 11, 7: 30 p. m. There will be regular prizes.

Bingo is played at the Seniors Active Living Centre, CARI Complex UPEI on Fridays at 1: 30 p. m.

West Royalty cards are Fridays at 1: 30 p. m. in the West Royalty Centre.

Weekly card play is at the Silver Threads Club in Souris, Fridays, 7 p. m.

Card games are every Friday at 7: 30 p. m. at the Olde Dunstaffna­ge Community Centre.

Winsloe Lions regular Friday

nght crib is Fridays, 7: 30 p. m., at Winsloe Lions Hall on Campbell Road. There will be a 50/ 50 draw and quarter pot. Bring a partner and enjoy an evening of fun. Call Allen Perry, 368- 2620.

Weekly card parties are at the O’Leary Community Complex, Fridays at 7: 30 p. m. Admission is $ 3, which includes lunch and prizes. It is sponsored by the O’Leary Seniors Sunshine Club. Everyone is welcome

Card parties are weekly at the Hunter River Community Centre every Friday, 7: 30 p. m. Admission is $ 2. Lunch is served. Card parties are Fridays, 7: 30 p. m., at the Cherryclif­fe Community Centre.

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