The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Take time with new relationsh­ip

- Ellie E- mail: ellie@ thestar. ca

Question- My husband of ten years had multiple affairs. I was devastated and wanted to leave, but I had a severely disabled child that I couldn’t handle on my own. I stayed, but with conditions: No sex between us.

I didn’t want to catch anything. I said I’d stay until our child was old enough for a home placement.

Two years later, he did it again. I’ve since met someone nice, and now have some options, as my child has a home placement. Any thoughts? Unstuck

Answer- Be careful what you rush into with someone new. The last thing you want is to end up stuck with a poor choice next time.

The home placement may be the best solution for your child, but you need time to help him/ her adjust to this move, and to work out a pattern of visits and monitoring of the care provided.

You also need certainty this new person is committed to you, and a loyal caring person, not just an escape option.

Question- My boyfriend of four years has been intimidate­d by his ex- wife since they divorced five years ago.

He likes to avoid conflict. She’s a chronic alcoholic with a high- powered career, who’s spent recent years in and out of rehab. She’s virulent and condescend­ing.

They have three kids. I get along with them, but due to split custody arrangemen­t and my work hours, I haven’t spent much time with them.

I live separately, in my own home. The kids like me and I care about them greatly.

My boyfriend’s brother, who’s divorcing, moved into his house. He chatters incessantl­y about how he hates women, or how easily he and his single pals can get sex from young women. This talk feels like a threat. My boyfriend says nothing to shut him up, protect my feelings, let’s me argue alone, or leaves the room.

His youngest child developed a serious acute ailment and was hospitaliz­ed. I showed up one night, although he tried to discourage me. His ex- wife shouted and ordered me to leave.

I’ve done nothing to her and have always been polite. I’ve never attempted a mother role with the kids. I’ve raised my own children and have a decent career.

My boyfriend did nothing to stop her and never acknowledg­ed what happened.

He’s cowered to her every whim since we’ve been together.

I told him I won’t continue a relationsh­ip when he sets no boundaries, and is passive with people who disrespect our relationsh­ip.

His response was to make me feel guilty that he’s going through a challengin­g period, to dismiss my feelings as irrational, and shut me out.

I need some security and emotional support in my life. We’ve not spoken in over a week.

Should I really move on and forget about him? Heartbroke­n in Atlanta

Answer- Four years of being runner- up to his ex- wife’s constant demands, is long enough. There are no signals from him about ever putting you first.

If you still consider staying, decide what you can handle. And be realistic – e. g. going

to the hospital risked encounteri­ng this difficult woman. Better to have sent the girl a card with a nice message.

His ex will always be troublesom­e, so proceed accordingl­y. Your boyfriend will always have some difficulti­es with boundaries. So don’t stay talking to his brother, leave.

Most important, talk directly to your guy – not from a needy position, but about whether you love him enough to work through this.

Then, only stay IF he’s willing to agree to make some changes.

Question- I’m 16, nice to everybody, do well in school. But I’m always picked on by a group of four “popular” boys in my class, which has only three girls.

The boys aren’t mean to the two other girls. I know I’m prettier than they are, but I also know that’s not really important. Or, is it?

These boys call me names, pick on me, put me down, and tease me about other guys in whom I have no interest.

It’s extremely hard for me to handle. I can’t do it anymore, can’t stand being in their class. Hounded in Manitoba

Answer- Tell your parents, and ask them to report this bullying behaviour with your principal. Persistent group harassment IS bullying. While some innocent teasing occurs between students ( yes, being pretty and getting good grades makes you stand out in a good way), these boys are extreme, unrelentin­g, and harmful. TIP OF THE DAY When handling ongoing complex issues, take time to be certain of your new relationsh­ip.

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