The Guardian (Charlottetown)

A voice for students

Cassidy MacDonald wins Holland College’s student union election


Cassidy MacDonald likes to organize things and she’s hoping to get more Holland College students interested in school events.

She found out Thursday that she will be the Holland College student union president for the 2017-18 school year.

“I love to organize and plan events, that’s why I’m in events management, and I think that passion was one of the main reasons I ran for president. So I’d be in charge of running all of the events student union put on during the year.”

MacDonald said waiting for the results to come in made for a long day on Thursday.

“It was one of the longest days of my life. We were supposed to find out who won at 4 p.m., but they were 15 minutes late, dragging the day on even longer. But it was worth it at the end.”

The 20-year-old Cornwall woman is in her second year at Holland College.

MacDonald has been involved in student union since Grade 8, including all the way throughout high school.

During her weeklong campaign, MacDonald visited classrooms across five different Holland College campuses to inform the students about her platform and ideas.

Holland College has campuses located in Charlottet­own, Summerside, Georgetown, Alberton, Tignish, and Slemon Park.

Inclusion of all the campuses is something that’s very important for MacDonald as she looks ahead to next year.

“We have trade students, business students, art students, and everything between at Holland College, so it’s really important that the student union holds events that are of common interest to all of those students.”

Other than including every campus more in student union events, MacDonald wants to introduce a “spirit team” to Holland College.

The team will be designed to engage students across all campuses and inform them of upcoming events.

“Many students don’t attend student union events because they simply don’t know they are going on. So I’m going to try and change that with the spirit team.”

MacDonald will officially become the student union president on May 2, and her first task will be organizing Holland College’s orientatio­n week at the start of the 2017/18 school year.

“My orientatio­n week was honestly one of the best weeks of my life. So I’m just hoping I can create an equally amazing experience for our upcoming students.”

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO ?? Cassidy MacDonald

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