The Guardian (Charlottetown)



Opening Lead: ƅK

South ruffed the club continuati­on, led a spade to the king and continued with the jack of diamonds for a hook. When West could not produce the king, the slam was home, N-S +1430.

South's resolve to venture slam was not without risk. The auction revealed that partner held at least a limit raise of spades and the subsequent heart cue bid disclosed the ace. South had hoped, of course, that North would also display the king of diamonds, guaranteei­ng success. North was unlikely to hold shortness since he did not offer a splinter bid. South reasoned that he was certain to lose a club trick but would still be in with a chance if North did not hold the diamond king. It was his lucky day when North held a doubleton diamond and the king was onside.

West could corral nine tricks at clubs when the defense begins with three rounds of hearts. In that sense, a club sacrifice would yield a healthy profit. A doubled four trick set would lose only 800 points. However, how many N-S pairs would drive to slam on this deal?

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