The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Child psychiatri­st sentenced in Australia for filming boy in Edmonton bathroom

Man gets suspended sentence on eight charges related to child porn


An Australian child psychiatri­st has avoided jail for child pornograph­y offences that took place around the globe, including a bathroom at West Edmonton Mall.

News outlets in Australia report that a judge in Perth handed Aaron Voon an 18month suspended sentence on eight charges involving production and possession of child porn.

Voon earlier pleaded guilty in his home country to nine offences that occurred in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

One of the charges was dismissed. WA Today News reports that the 42-yearold was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder, and has a fascinatio­n with toilets and urination.

Voon was arrested at the Edmonton mall in May 2016 after he used a mobile device to film a boy using a movie theatre washroom.

A video of the boy’s angry father confrontin­g Voon outside the bathroom spread quickly on social media.

Voon was released on bail in Edmonton but returned to Australia, where police seized electronic devices from his home and business containing hundreds of images and videos of young boys urinating.

Alberta Justice agreed its charges could be heard in Australia because Voon intended to plead guilty, but warned it could also bring him back to Canada.

The Australian Associated Press reported that Voon’s lawyer, Sam Vandongen, told the sentencing hearing that his client’s sexual interest in children did not involve any physical contact.

Judge Alan Troy said Voon’s mental problems partly affected his ability to make rational decisions, but he should have known better, said the news agency.

“You must have known what you were doing was wrong. You nonetheles­s continued with the conduct ... and you sought no profession­al help at all,” the judge said.

Court also heard that Voon has not renewed his medical licence and, if he does practise again, will not treat children.

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