The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Trump’s instincts were correct; bring troops home

With exception of Canada and France, all NATO countries playing military role in Afghanista­n

- Thomas Walkom Thomas Walkom is a national affairs writer for Torstar Syndicatio­n Services

As he committed America and its allies to years more of war in Afghanista­n, Donald Trump made a stark confession.

«My original instinct was to pull out,» the U.S. president said in a televised speech. «And I historical­ly like following my instincts.»

This time, however, he didn›t. Too bad. The war in Afghanista­n has gone on for 16 years. It could easily go on for 16 more. To all intents and purposes, it is unwinnable.

His occasional bursts of bravado notwithsta­nding, Trump seemed to recognize that Monday.

«We will fight to win,» he said at one point. But at another, he defined winning in the very broadest of terms. Victory, he said, did not necessaril­y entail defeating the Taliban insurgents outright. Rather, it meant preventing them from taking power unilateral­ly.

Indeed, he dangled the prospect of a «political settlement» in Afghanista­n that could eventually include «elements» of the Taliban.

Trump insists that his strategy for war in Afghanista­n is brand new. With a few exceptions, it is not.

Like former U.S. president Barack Obama, Trump hopes to leave the bulk of the fighting to Afghan government forces, with American troops focusing on training and anti-terrorist operations.

Like Obama, he hopes that military pressure will drive the Taliban to the bargaining table.

«Military power alone will not bring peace,» Trump said. «But strategica­lly applied force aims to create the conditions for a political process to achieve a lasting peace.»

It›s a nice theory. But it didn›t work for Obama and there›s no reason to think it will work for Trump.

Non-stop war in Afghanista­n has not created the conditions for a lasting peace. Rather, it has created the conditions for more war.

Like Obama, Trump is justly critical of the double-game played by Pakistan, a nominal U.S. ally that at the same time gives sanctuary to Taliban fighters.

Obama authorized drone strikes against targets in Pakistan. We shall see what Trump does.

One element of the Trump strategy that is different is his call on Pakistan›s archrival India to involve itself more in Afghanista­n›s affairs. Other than infuriatin­g Pakistan and unsettling China, it is not clear what this is intended to accomplish.

Another novel element is Trump›s decision to keep secret the number of U.S. troops operating in Afghanista­n. He says his aim is to deny useful intelligen­ce to the enemy. But hiding the numbers also offers political cover to Trump if he decides to gradually escalate the war.

Trump is also dropping any pretense that America is concerned with democracy and civil right in Afghanista­n. Previous administra­tions may have highlighte­d, say, the number of girls attending school since the Taliban was ousted. Trump doesn›t care.

As he said Monday, his aim is not to encourage Afghanista­n to become like the U.S. Rather it is to co-operate in shared security interests.

It is a realpoliti­k view of the world that hasn›t been so baldly articulate­d since Richard Nixon was president.

Like Nixon with Vietnam, Trump inherited a war going badly. Nixon kept the Vietnam War alive in a futile effort to achieve what he called «peace with honour.» Trump is extending the Afghan war in the hope of achieving «an honourable and enduring outcome.»

It›s a strategy that didn›t work for Nixon and almost certainly won›t work for Trump.

Finally, Trump would have NATO play a bigger military role in Afghanista­n. With the exception of Canada and France, all NATO countries already have a military presence in Afghanista­n, usually involving training. The alliance has said it is willing to expand the 13,500-person force by an unspecifie­d number, with at least 15 countries upping their commitment.

So far, Canada isn›t one of them. «There are absolutely no plans to send any troops back to Afghanista­n,» Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in late June. With luck, Trump›s new-found commitment to the Afghan war won›t change that calculatio­n.

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