The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Bureaucrat to entreprene­ur

A business supporting Island businesses


A government bureaucrat becoming an entreprene­ur (although not unheard of) is not a common occurrence. But that is just what happened with Kim Green, the proprietor of Kays Wholesale.

Kim worked for the Capital Commission and Tourism Charlottet­own in her early career. While there, she was always thinking “how can we be bigger, better, or more effective?” She was never satisfied with the status quo.

During this period, she always held a dream to operate her own business. It started with taking over Island Chemicals with her husband, Roddy Willis. Then she started Kays Wholesale. Having two businesses gives them the ability to share resources and expertise.

She believes her strong work ethic came from losing her father while young and learning that if you want something, you have to work for it. As a child, she excelled at selling Girl Guide cookies and was even chosen class Valedictor­ian in high school.

Some people mistake her name for Kay, it’s not. The name comes from a successful confection­ary wholesaler from years ago. In fact, Kays Brothers was one of the suppliers I patronized when operating my father’s store at the corner of Kirkwood Drive and Queen Street.

She favored the name because it came with some of the cache required to be successful in the wholesale business. Kays Brothers ran a successful business for over 60 years, garnering a reputation for personal service and supporting small businesses around P.E.I. Kim’s business is built on those same fundamenta­ls. She says: “The more successful my customers are, the more successful I can be.”

But, success comes with cost. Although she never had a “9 to 5” mentality, she did not fully realize that being a business owner is a 24/7 responsibi­lity. But this self-admitted workaholic was up for the challenge.

She can often be found on the job seven days a week if that is what her customers require. She is hands on and expects a lot from her staff, but nothing she wouldn’t do herself.

Since it is a low margin industry, they do not embrace credit cards. Transactio­ns are either cash or customers can open an account. Her focus is to be continuall­y building the business, streamlini­ng processes, and improving service.

They currently have a 13,000 sq.ft. warehouse and plan to substantia­lly increase that soon.

By representi­ng over 7,000 small firms, they can offer buying power for small Island businesses. Kim does acknowledg­e there are competitor­s, but none offer her level of personaliz­ed service and flexibilit­y.

She wants the best staff, but discovered that the best is not always the most educated, or the most experience­d. Her employee philosophy is posted on her wall. It lists these things that require zero talent:

- Being on time

- Maintainin­g through the day

- Being open to coaching

- A consistent work ethic - Using positive body language

- Showing customers a positive attitude

- Doing more than expected - Putting in honest effort each day

- Being prepared for the unexpected high energy

Kim’s advice for anyone wanting to become an entreprene­ur, stop thinking about it, just jump in and do it and continue to invest in your own personal developmen­t along the way.

My question for business owners: How have you structured your business to bring maximum value to your Island customers?

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