The Guardian (Charlottetown)


Most people see animals and other objects before plants

- Mark & Ben Cullen Mark Cullen is an expert gardener, author, broadcaste­r, tree advocate and holds the Order of Canada. His son Ben is a fourthgene­ration urban gardener and graduate of University of Guelph and Dalhousie University in Halifax. Follow them a

In 1998, researcher­s James Wandersee and Elisabeth Schussler introduced the term ‘plant blindness’. The research showed that when people looked at pictures of different landscapes, most would notice the animals and other objects before plants.

Anyone would be impressed. Standing in front of the skeleton of a blue whale has a jaw-dropping effect. It is hard to imagine a mammal THAT big. We were at the Royal Ontario Museum, enjoying a special birthday treat with family, which is about as rare as a blue whale sighting.

At 25 meters (80 ft.) long and 150 tonnes, a blue whale is hard to beat for bigness.

Unless you are looking at a 350 year old white oak, like the one that grows in a residentia­l back yard in Etobicoke. Believed to be the oldest tree in Toronto, this Methuselah of trees could tell a lot of stories about our history, if only it could talk. Heritage designatio­n had been applied for on behalf of this behemoth, over 10 years ago. As of today, it still has not been granted.

The point is: we will go to enormous lengths to preserve a whale, take it apart and display it in a museum, but we have trouble noticing the importance of a tree that is more than twice the size and almost 10 times the age of a whale.

Botanists now have a term for this: plant blindness.

In 1998, researcher­s James Wandersee and Elisabeth Schussler introduced the term ‘plant blindness’. The research showed that when people looked at pictures of different landscapes, most would notice the animals and other objects before plants. Tony Di-Giovanni, Executive Director of Landscape Ontario, responds to these findings with this, “Something that is unapprecia­ted and

unnoticed has little value.” And he is determined to fix that.

Landscape Ontario is a founding member of Green Infrastruc­ture Ontario Coalition, an organisati­on that represents the interests the ‘natural vegetative systems and green technologi­es that collective­ly provide society with a multitude of economic, environmen­tal and social benefits, including urban forests, bio swales, engineered and natural wetlands, ravines, meadows, agricultur­al lands and more.’

Economic Powerhouse

The Green Infrastruc­ture Ontario Coalition provides some important numbers:

The ‘green’ sector employs 140,000 in the private sector in Canada (for comparison, Chrysler Canada employs about 10,000). Including the public sector, over 280,000 people are employed in the green sector.

Consumers spent about $11.7 billion on landscapin­g and horticultu­ral products last year.

The farm gate value of horticultu­ral trees, shrubs and other plants grown on Canadian farms is over $2 billion.

Green Infrastruc­ture provides a lot of Canadian jobs and is a powerful economic engine.

As DiGiovanni says, “It is the job of our profession to tell our story of benefits in ways that will be heard”.

Curing Plant Blindness

Perhaps, there is the rub: when we find wildlife that engages with the green world around us, we notice the green living world that supports it.

The benefits of green infrastruc­ture are many. Here are just a few:

Lower up-front constructi­on costs for the same level as ‘grey’ infrastruc­ture.

Green infrastruc­ture often reduces maintenanc­e costs of other infrastruc­ture and expands the lifespans. The shade and cooling effects of mature street trees, for example, significan­tly extend the life of asphalt roads and concrete sidewalks under their canopy.

Green infrastruc­ture can prevent large-scale damage and reduce costs of floods (this should be of interest to insurance companies and municipali­ties alike).

If only we could see the oxygen that we inhale, manufactur­ed exclusivel­y by the green, living plants around us.

If only we could put a value on the toxins that are filtered by lawns and tree roots from rain water. If only we could pick the fresh fruit from all the trees in our yard. Perhaps then, we would not be so blind.

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