The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Personal approach to communicat­ion is rewarding

- BY PAYTON JAKUBOWSKI Payton Jakubowski is a Grade 11 student at Colonel Gray High School in Charlottet­own, who is completing a co-op placement at The Guardian.

In modern times, we heavily rely on technology. It’s convenient when you can google every question imaginable.

But, what are the drawbacks to this? More and more I find people who are over attached to their phone, as if it were a lifeline, the only thing keeping them alive.

However, think back just a few years ago, when cellphones were for emergencie­s.

Remember those super cool flip phones? Or you got to use the home phone, where you had to awkwardly ask if you could speak to your friend. Often your annoying little brother would pick up the other phone and listen into your very private conversati­on on your newest crush.

Also, not that long ago, everything was much more meaningful and personal. Now, texting seems to be the fastest and easiest way to communicat­e and it’s amazing.

However, there are drawbacks. In the high school world, phones and social media seem to be the centre of all things teen; things like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr and Twitter. Social media is how you show people all the exciting things in your life or show others what you enjoy. How on earth could you see what your best friend ate for lunch without it?

Here’s another dilemma. Because we lean on phones, as much as we do, it’s hard to talk to people face-to-face. It’s much more simple to just shoot them a text and call it all good, but where’s the sentiment in that? People, and teenagers especially really do have anxiety over talking to others in person. You don’t need to use the action of actually talking to someone as often in the year of 2017. It’s challengin­g, extremely challengin­g. Nonetheles­s, how could we change this relationsh­ip of person and phone?

How on earth could we break this addiction?

Well then, let’s take a step back into the past shall we? Why not attempt a different approach to life, why not enjoy life to the fullest and experience ‘the now’. Start small, try to give up a social media app you rarely use.

Perhaps when you have free time, phone that person you’re texting. Hear them laugh and get into the conversati­on. Changing the way we socialize doesn’t mean never using your phone. It’s simply taking the time and communicat­ing the way we were brought up to. So next time you want to ask Diana to the dance ask her at the end of class. Not over a phone screen.

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO ?? Payton Jakubowski is a Grade 11 student at Colonel Gray High School.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Payton Jakubowski is a Grade 11 student at Colonel Gray High School.
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