The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Legalizing drug poses problems


I am writing in response to the upcoming legalizati­on of marijuana across Canada.

As a young adult who will experience the impact of this major decision, I do not agree and I hope the government comes to the realizatio­n that this will ruin lives.

Legalizati­on of marijuana will result in easier access to the drug, causing an increase in usage.

If you consider the underage drinking problem with alcohol, we will have the same issues with underage marijuana usage.

This worries me specifical­ly for minors, as studies have shown that marijuana usage can affect brain developmen­t as well as causing death in brain cells.

Another reason for disagreein­g with the legalizati­on of marijuana is the increase of impaired drivers that will be on our roads.

Impaired driving from the usage of alcohol is a serious worldwide problem, and as we introduce this new substance into the world, it will cause a need for more law enforcemen­t, training, equipment, additional court time and possible prison time in an already overcrowde­d system.

The legal system struggles to handle the current laws yet we are bringing on a new substance with new laws.

Legalizing marijuana is no benefit in society today and will only cause more harm than good.

Government should be putting its efforts into eliminatin­g this dangerous drug and restrain it solely for medical purposes. Megan Griffin, UPEI Student, Charlottet­own, PE

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