The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Conyers steps aside from Judiciary post amid sex allegation­s


Michigan Rep. John Conyers, under investigat­ion over allegation­s he sexually harassed female staff members, said Sunday he will step aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee while fiercely denying he acted inappropri­ately during his long tenure in Congress.

In a statement, the 88-yearold lawmaker made clear he would prefer to keep his leadership role on the committee, which has wide jurisdicti­on over U.S. law enforcemen­t, from civil rights and impeachmen­t of federal officials to sexual harassment protection­s.

But Conyers acknowledg­ed maintainin­g the post would be a distractio­n “in light of the attention drawn by recent allegation­s made against me.’’

“I have come to believe that my presence as ranking member on the committee would not serve these efforts while the Ethics Committee investigat­ion is pending,’’ he said. “I cannot in good conscience allow these charges to undermine my colleagues in the Democratic Caucus, and my friends on both sides of the aisle in the Judiciary Committee and the House of Representa­tives.’’

Denying the allegation­s, Conyers, a member of the Congressio­nal Black Caucus who was first elected to the House in 1964, urged lawmakers to allow him “due process.’’

“I very much look forward to vindicatin­g myself and my family,’’ Conyers said.

News website BuzzFeed reported last Monday that Conyers’ office paid a woman more than $27,000 under a confidenti­ality agreement to settle a complaint in 2015 that she was fired from his Washington staff because she rejected his sexual advances. BuzzFeed also published affidavits from former staff members who said they had witnessed Conyers touching female staffers inappropri­ately — rubbing their legs and backs — or requesting sexual favours.

Conyers says he will fully cooperate with the Ethics Committee, which said it will review the allegation­s of harassment and age discrimina­tion as well as using “official resources for impermissi­ble personal purposes.’’

At least one House Democrat, Rep. Kathleen Rice of New York, has called on Conyers to step down from Congress. Two others, Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., who is a member of the Congressio­nal Black Caucus, as well as Rep. Raul Grijalva, DAriz., co-chairman of the largest group of congressio­nal liberals, had said Conyers should at least step aside from his leadership role on the Judiciary committee.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? In this May 24, 2016, file photo, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington during a hearing. Conyers said he is stepping aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee...
AP PHOTO In this May 24, 2016, file photo, Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee, speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington during a hearing. Conyers said he is stepping aside as the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee...

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