The Guardian (Charlottetown)

$100 million earmarked for gay purge victims

Compensati­on for members of federal agencies whose careers were sidelined or ended


The Trudeau government has earmarked more than $100 million to compensate members of the military and other federal agencies whose careers were sidelined or ended due to their sexual orientatio­n, The Canadian Press has learned.

The money will be paid out as part of a class-action lawsuit settlement to employees who were investigat­ed, sanctioned and sometimes fired as part of the so-called gay purge.

An agreement in principle in the court action emerged Friday, just days before the government delivers a sweeping apology for discrimina­tion against members of the LGBTQ community.

Details of the agreement must still be worked out by the parties and approved by the Federal Court, but it’s expected that several thousand people will be eligible for the financial compensati­on.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will deliver the apology — which is expected to surpass what other countries have done to make amends to LGBTQ people — in the House of Commons following question period today.

Among apology-related initiative­s, the government is putting $250,000 toward community projects to combat homophobia and provide support for people in crisis.

In addition, it plans a commemorat­ion in 2019 of the 50th anniversar­y of the federal decriminal­ization of homosexual acts.

The government also plans to table legislatio­n today to expunge the criminal records of people convicted of consensual sexual activity with same-sex partners, whether in civilian or military courts.

The process will involve making an applicatio­n for expungemen­t and requests may be submitted on behalf of deceased people who were convicted.

The apology and associated efforts to recognize past wrongs will be genuinely historic, said Gary Kinsman, a sociology professor at Laurentian University and a leading scholar on the injustices for many years.

“It’s also been an incredibly long time coming,” said Kinsman, a spokesman for the We Demand an Apology Network, which includes people directly affected by the purge campaign as well as supporters and researcher­s.

“I’m very saddened by the fact that many of the people who really needed to be apologized to have passed away,” Kinsman said in an interview.

“It should have happened decades ago, in my view.”

The discrimina­tory policies that often ruined careers and lives had their roots in federal efforts that began as early as the 1940s to delve into the personal lives of people who were considered security risks.

There is no evidence of a gay or lesbian employee ever giving informatio­n to Soviet agents or another foreign power, Kinsman said. On the contrary, victims of the purge say the only ones who tried to blackmail them were the RCMP or military security, trying to elicit informatio­n about friends and acquaintan­ces in the public service.

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