The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Soulpepper set to stage its next show after allegation­s


The show will go on at Toronto-based Soulpepper Theatre Company.

On Saturday, just over a week after four actresses filed separate lawsuits against the company and founding artistic director Albert Schultz, the theatre will start running its next production: American playwright Edward Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “A Delicate Balance.’’

The Schultz scandal has posed a conundrum for patrons and artists alike, who must decide whether to support a production at Soulpepper as the company further investigat­es sexual harassment claims.

The lawsuits filed by Diana Bentley, Kristin Booth, Patricia Fagan and Hannah Miller allege Schultz groped them, exposed himself, pressed against them, or otherwise behaved inappropri­ately.

None of their allegation­s have been tested in court and neither Schultz nor Soulpepper have filed a statement of defence. Schultz said he will “vigorously defend’’ himself against the allegation­s.

Soulpepper has said it was unaware of any allegation­s of sexual misconduct against Schultz or anyone else, having conducted investigat­ions into the issue as recently as this past fall.

Some patrons plan to boycott Soulpepper until it overhauls its board of directors, while others feel more comfortabl­e attending a show now that Schultz has resigned and an upcoming production of “Amadeus’’ that he was slated to direct has been cancelled. Alan Dilworth is now acting artistic director.

Requests to speak to Soulpepper and “A Delicate Balance’’ cast members were declined.

Toronto actor Brendan Wall, who had a nine-year relationsh­ip with Soulpepper, said he knows some of the talent in the “A Delicate Balance’’ and is planning to see the show.

“In the last week and a half I’ve been thinking about the men and women who work every day in the office and have made that place their home. I 100 per cent believe the allegation­s made by Diana and Kristin and Hannah and Patricia, and I support them 100 per cent.

“I do think there’s a lot of wonderful, creative people in that place and I hope they’re OK right now.’’

Lisa Wakelam, a theatre enthusiast based in Hamilton, is a longtime Soulpepper subscriber and has tickets to see “A Delicate Balance’’ on Jan. 20.

It’s a play she’s been wanting to see for many years but when she first heard of the accusation­s at Soulpepper, she felt “unease, shock’’ about attending a production there. But Schultz’s resignatio­n changed her mind.

“Having digested everything, we have to support the organizati­on and the artists and I’m glad that they’re proceeding,’’ Wakelam said.

“A Delicate Balance’’ is about an upper-middle-class family and the drama that ensues when the daughter returns home and friends move in.

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