The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Frequent offender gets jail sentence

Court hears Mark Adam MacKinnon has more than 100 files with Crown attorney’s office, awaits sentencing on multiple offences

- BY RYAN ROSS Ryan.ross@theguardia­

Mark Adam MacKinnon has a dubious honour.

Provincial court Judge John Douglas heard Thursday that MacKinnon has more files with the Crown attorney’s office than anyone.

His latest conviction landed him 30 days in jail to be served on weekends for stealing from a Superstore and with more charges still to be dealt with next month.

MacKinnon pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including several thefts from a Superstore in Charlottet­own, causing a disturbanc­e by fighting, possessing a stolen gift card and breaching his probation.

The court heard MacKinnon stole from the same Superstore on three separate occasions, including an incident during which he stole 27 packages of razors worth a total of $722.73.

MacKinnon had to break a case where the razors were held.

He was sentenced Thursday for stealing $85.05 worth of items during an earlier theft.

After another incident involving MacKinnon, the police responded to a report of an assault where they found bystanders tending to a man.

Witnesses said the man was on a bike and talking to someone else when the second man punched him in the face.

MacKinnon was also caught using a stolen gift card at a Sobeys store for $136.15.

He entered guilty pleas to some of the offences in October and had the matters adjourned first until November and then February to see how he would do in the community before sentencing.

Since the November adjournmen­t, MacKinnon stole the razors and used the stolen gift card.

He was in custody Thursday because he didn’t attend his last court date.

Crown attorney Lisa Goulden told the court MacKinnon had more than 100 files with the Crown attorney’s office.

MacKinnon has a substance abuse problem and steals to support his habit, Goulden said.

Before hearing his sentence, MacKinnon spoke and apologized for missing court.

He said with the newer charges he got scared and ran because he wasn’t looking forward to going to jail.

MacKinnon asked for a chance to do work he has lined up with a fisherman, which he said would mean he wouldn’t have money worries and do “stupid stuff to survive.”

He will be on probation for one year and has a court date scheduled for April 27 to give him a chance to show he has legitimate employment.

MacKinnon must also pay $85.05 in restitutio­n to the Superstore and a $200 victim surcharge.

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