The Guardian (Charlottetown)

NAFTA: U.S. says auto irritant nearly solved, other snags remain


The United States has confirmed a breakthrou­gh in the NAFTA negotiatio­ns unlocking a major irritant involving automobile­s, while stressing that a few remaining disagreeme­nts need to be settled before a deal is concluded.

A sense of optimism that the unofficial No. 1 issue in the NAFTA talks might be close to resolution lifted the Canadian dollar more than a cent Wednesday, while the U.S. trade czar confirmed the positive developmen­ts on autos.

“We’re finally starting to converge,” Robert Lighthizer said, while delivering a progress report to the U.S. Congress.

“I think we’re in a pretty good place.”

The U.S. is pushing for a deal within weeks. Otherwise, the process risks being punted into 2019. By mid-spring, it will be too late to complete the legal steps that would allow a ratificati­on vote in the U.S. before midterm elections usher in a new Congress.

Lighthizer summarized the state of the talks this way: “I believe that we have made a great deal of progress - but we still have a ways to go. I have urged our trading partners to recognize that time is short if we are to complete a deal in time for considerat­ion by this Congress.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Wednesday he believes that a deal is “eminently possible.”

“There seems to be a certain momentum around the table now that I certainly take as positive,” he said at a Toronto news conference.

That said, serious irritants remain.

The blunt-spoken Lighthizer minced no words while listing several of them - he referred specifical­ly to Canadian policies on dairy, culture, wine, and intellectu­al property. Dispute settlement rules and Buy American issues are also sticking points.

- Of Canada’s intellectu­alproperty rules, Lighthizer said: “Canada has Third World intellectu­al property protection. Getting them to accept First World is not easy.” In its annual report on the topic, the U.S. lists its main concerns as Canada’s enforcemen­t of counterfei­t crimes, and its looser rules for educationa­l exemptions.

- On cultural protection­s: A lawmaker complained that Canada has abused the exemption on cultural products. He referred to Canada’s blocking the QVC shopping network on cultural grounds. Lighthizer replied: “There’s a legitimate case for some cultural exceptions. But it’s not for this kind of thing. ... The cultural exemption is very often just cultural protection­ism.” Trudeau, though, tied culture to bilinguali­sm, “which highlights just how incredibly important it is for us to protect our culture, our languages, our creative sectors, our artists.”

- Online shopping: The U.S. wants more online purchases of American goods. Lighthizer ridiculed the disparity between what the U.S. allows citizens to import duty-free versus what Canada allows - US$800, versus $20 in Canada: “(That’s) just ridiculous... There’s no one that can argue that.”

- On wine sales, the U.S. is already fighting Canada at the WTO for discrimina­tory rules on store shelves. Lighthizer said: “It’s just rank protection­ism at the provincial level in Canada.”

- Dairy remains a major problem. Lawmaker Devin Nunes, a third-generation dairy farmer, lamented Canada’s limits on imports under supply management. “Canada has been getting away with murder in their dairy industry,” he said. “It’s causing tremendous problems for farmers here in the United States.”

Lighthizer concurred. He said it’s also a problem in other supply-managed sectors, poultry and eggs. He expressed some sympathy for Canada’s challenges in dismantlin­g the system, but he said he hopes to negotiate reforms.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS/CHRIS YOUNG ?? A line worker works on a car at Ford Motor plant in Oakville, Ont., in 2013.
THE CANADIAN PRESS/CHRIS YOUNG A line worker works on a car at Ford Motor plant in Oakville, Ont., in 2013.

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