The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Speed of the essence

Lymphoma Canada urges government­s to speed up access to approved cancer drugs

- BY ROBIN MARKOWITZ Robin Markowitz is CEO, Lymphoma Canada

Strides in cancer research have increased survival rates and provided a better quality of life for patients under treatment. But getting the best treatment as soon as possible remains a matter of life and death for many Canadians. Speed is of the essence. Patients and families in P.E.I. live with the hope that a new, effective treatment will be available by the time they need it.

Health Canada, the government agency which must approve all drugs and medical technology for use in Canada, has recognized the need to keep up with the pace of innovation­s which have allowed new cancer drugs to be brought to market sooner, and has worked to speed up approval of promising new cancer therapies.

But that doesn’t mean these approved drugs are funded more quickly or at all. Few patients consider that the cancer treatment recommende­d by their doctor, and often available in other countries, may not be approved for funding, essentiall­y meaning that it will be inaccessib­le.

Since Canadian health care, including the cost of drugs, is under the jurisdicti­on of the provinces and territorie­s, it’s up to them to decide if a drug will be eligible for public reimbursem­ent. For cancer drugs, provinces and territorie­s broadly follow the recommenda­tion of the pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (pCODR) when making final reimbursem­ent and coverage decisions.

Comprised of medical oncologist­s, physicians, pharmacist­s, economists, an ethicist and patient members, the pCODR typically relies on Randomized Control Trials (RCT) to make its decisions. That’s the gold standard. However, RCTs are not always feasible, appropriat­e or ethical for the evaluation of new therapeuti­c interventi­ons. Non-comparativ­e data is increasing­ly being used. The criteria pCODR uses for RCT data has not kept pace with the breakthrou­ghs in cancer research.

For many new targeted therapies, the patient population is too small to conduct this type of trial. In other instances, the time required to conduct an RCT trial equates to years - precious years that cancer patients do not have. Once a drug therapy is deemed safe and efficaciou­s, it may be fast-tracked, enabling patients to quickly have access.

But increasing­ly pCODR has been rejecting these funding submission­s. In a policy paper that Lymphoma Canada published earlier this year, we found that, beginning in 2015, the number of pCODR submission­s supported by evidence from non-comparativ­e data increased significan­tly. Yet, the rate of negative recommenda­tions also increased. Between January 2015 and the end of December 2017, 63 per cent of submission­s received negative recommenda­tions from pCODR.

This week, health researcher­s and health policy decisionma­kers who have the power to speed up access to new treatments and save the lives of Canadians are meeting in Halifax for a conference. Lymphoma Canada and 12 other signatorie­s from across the cancer spectrum are calling on the attendees to advocate for reforming pCODR’s approach. We are also urging P.E.I. Health Minister Robert Mitchell to ask the federal health minister to update and modernize the way they approve access to cancer drugs.

There are two key ways pCODR can improve the process and the health of Canadians. Firstly, it can issue positive recommenda­tions by providing for temporary funding while the drug manufactur­er addresses the perceived uncertaint­y of the clinical value.

Secondly, in addition to acquiring more robust or mature trial data, real-world evidence can be collected to reduce the uncertaint­y. Collaborat­ion among relevant stakeholde­rs could be leveraged to ensure that pCODR’s recommenda­tions, and the data on which they are based, remain sound and relevant over time.

While we acknowledg­e that there are limitation­s to estimating the value of a new treatment using non-comparativ­e clinical studies, this setting is increasing­ly becoming the final stage of clinical evaluation for new cancer drugs, especially for rare cancers, for tumours with distinct molecular profiles or where no standard of care exists.

Increased requiremen­ts for evidence of a drug’s clinical and cost effectiven­ess prior to use may seem reasonable to reduce uncertaint­y. However, patients cannot wait. Canadian government­s and their policy makers should not deny or delay funding of a drug when there is sufficient data available to discern its efficacy and safety in a vulnerable patient population.

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTO ?? Robin Markowitz is CEO, Lymphoma Canada
SUBMITTED PHOTO Robin Markowitz is CEO, Lymphoma Canada

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