The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Stephen Andrew MacKinnon sentenced


Chief Provincial Court Judge Nancy Orr says it shouldn’t have taken so long for a 32-year-old man to get the message to stay away from a P.E.I. woman.

Stephen Andrew MacKinnon was sentenced to 30 days in jail in provincial court in Charlottet­own earlier this month for criminal harassment.

The court heard MacKinnon was not happy after an eight-month relationsh­ip ended and continued to make contact with the woman over several months.

The woman informed police in August that MacKinnon was continuall­y making unwanted contact with her.

She did not lay charges at the time, but police warned MacKinnon to stay away from her. MacKinnon continued to send her texts and show up at her residence. She eventually pressed charges of criminal harassment in December.

He hasn’t made any contact with her since charges were laid.

In sentencing, Orr told MacKinnon that his behaviour was unacceptab­le.

“If she decides she doesn’t want to be in a relationsh­ip with you, you may not like it, but you have to accept that decision,” said Orr.

In addition to jail time, MacKinnon received 18 months’ probation and a 10year weapons’ prohibitio­n. He must also pay $100 restitutio­n to the woman after he destroyed an android box, pay $100 to the victims of crime fund and refrain from having contact with the woman.

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