The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Gaza protests kill 55


In a jarring contrast, Israeli forces shot and killed at least 55 Palestinia­ns and wounded more than 1,200 during mass protests Monday along the Gaza border, while just a few miles away Israel and the U.S. held a festive inaugurati­on ceremony for the new American Embassy in contested Jerusalem.

It was by far the deadliest day of cross-border violence since a devastatin­g 2014 war between Israel and Gaza’s Hamas rulers, and further dimmed the already bleak prospects for President Donald Trump’s hoped-for peace plan.

Throughout the day, Gaza protesters set tires ablaze, sending thick plumes of black smoke into the air, and hurled firebombs and stones toward Israeli troops across the border. The Israeli military, which has come under internatio­nal criticism for using excessive force against unarmed protesters, said Hamas tried to carry out bombing and shooting attacks under the cover of the protests and released video of protesters ripping away parts of the barbed-wire border fence.

Monday’s protests culminated more than a month of weekly demonstrat­ions aimed at breaking a crippling IsraeliEgy­ptian border blockade. But the U.S. Embassy move, bitterly opposed by the Palestinia­ns, added further fuel.

There was barely any mention of the Gaza violence at Monday’s lavish inaugurati­on ceremony for the new embassy, an upgraded consular building located just 50 miles (80 kilometres) away. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top officials joined an American delegation of Trump administra­tion officials and Republican and evangelica­l Christian supporters.

Jared Kushner, Trump’s sonin-law and chief Mideast adviser, headlined the U.S. delegation with his wife and fellow White House adviser, Ivanka Trump, as well as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and four Republican senators. Republican super-donor Sheldon Adelson was also present, and evangelica­l pastors Robert Jeffress and John Hagee delivered blessings.

“A great day for Israel!’’ Trump tweeted earlier Monday.

In a videotaped address, Trump said the embassy move, a key campaign promise, recognizes the “plain reality’’ that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. Yet he added the United States “remains fully committed to facilitati­ng a lasting peace agreement.’’

But Monday’s steadily climbing death toll and wall-to-wall condemnati­on of the embassy move in the Arab world raised new doubts about Trump’s ambitions to broker what he called the “deal of the century.’’ More than a year after taking office, Trump’s Mideast team has yet to produce a long-promised peace plan.

Trump says recognizin­g Jerusalem as Israel’s capital acknowledg­es the reality that Israel’s government is located there as well as the ancient Jewish connection to the city. He insists the decision has no impact on future negotiatio­ns on the city’s final borders.

But to both Israel and the Palestinia­ns, the American gesture is widely seen as siding with Israel on the most sensitive issue in their longstandi­ng conflict.

“What a glorious day. Remember this moment. This is history,’’ Netanyahu told the inaugurati­on ceremony.

“You can only build peace on truth, and the truth is that Jerusalem has been and will always be the capital of the Jewish people, the capital of the Jewish state,’’ he added.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Palestinia­n protesters carry an injured man who was shot by Israeli troops during a deadly protest at the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel, east of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Monday.
AP PHOTO Palestinia­n protesters carry an injured man who was shot by Israeli troops during a deadly protest at the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel, east of Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Monday.

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