The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Man jailed for assault, other charges

Joe Roddie Clair sentenced on five charges, tells court he regrets his actions

- BY RYAN ROSS Ryan.ross@theguardia­

A 29-year-old man who head butted his victim and had other people call and text her despite a no-contact order was sentenced recently to 8.5 months in jail.

Joe Roddie Clair appeared before Chief Judge Nancy Orr in provincial court in Georgetown where he was sentenced on five charges including assault causing bodily harm and impaired driving.

Clair also breached a no-contact order with his victim and failed to attend court twice.

Before Orr delivered a sentence, Clair’s victim read her victim impact statement, saying she had a fractured nose after the assault and it took four weeks for her bruises to heal.

The victim said Clair didn’t apologize until he knew he would be arrested.

Clair told the court he regretted what he did.

“There’s not a day goes by that I don’t regret my actions,” he said.

During a separate incident, Clair was caught driving drunk and provided breathalyz­er samples that were more than twice the legal limit.

Orr gave Clair credit for time spent in custody since his arrest, reducing the sentence by 91 days.

Clair is banned from driving for two years and will be on probation for three.

During his probation, Clair is to have no contact with the victim and is banned from driving any motorized vehicles.

He will be subject to electronic monitoring and must provide a DNA sample for the national databank.

Clair will also be under a lifetime weapons prohibitio­n.

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