The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Broken promises by MLAs, MPs


During these times of Donald Trump, Doug Ford, and all the politician­s who are breaking promises, I feel a sense of a tide with a smell of brimstone, carrying us away. Most of us share the frustratio­n that led to one of the dairy farmers calling Lawrence MacAulay a bad name and we appreciate his apology in the paper, which by the way went viral on twitter.

But with all respect, Sean Casey, you won your federal seat against Joe Byrne when you promised continued home postal delivery. Wayne Easter, you kept your seat when you promised to end the two-tiered system for employment insurance. Lawrence MacAulay, you had to face those dairy farmers after betraying their belief that supply management was safe with your promises; and all the other MPs, who promised with Trudeau 1,600 times to end First-Past-the-Post.

I’m asking all 27 MLAs who voted for Basic Income Guarantee to face the MPs and all your constituen­ts and make a serious effort now to make it a reality. The Trudeau government responded to Islanders by saying, the other province is doing it alone so it wouldn’t be fair to run a pilot project here. Ford cancelled the plan without a study of effect and focused his vision on cheap beer and bringing back the 1998 sex education program. The national priority is now on buying a pipeline and forgiving Chrysler’s debt. What those billions under a progressiv­e government and if proportion­al representa­tion were in place.

Lynne Thiele,


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