The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Freeland’s victory lap; Trump’s win

- BY JIM VIBERT Jim Vibert, a journalist and writer for longer than he cares to admit, consulted or worked for five Nova Scotia government­s. He now keeps a close and critical eye on provincial and regional powers.

Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland came down east last week to take a bit of a victory lap for cutting a new trade deal that the petulant pup in the White House actually gets to chalk up as a win.

There were Freeland sightings in Nova Scotia at Pictou County’s expanding Michelin Tire plant and in Hackett’s Cove, outside Halifax where home-grown success story Nautel is located. Both businesses have significan­t U.S. exports.

Ms. Freeland’s 90-minute drive between those two stops would have taken her within view of several dairy farms she sold out to get a deal that Donald Trump will tout as a tangible expression of his undying love for the American farmer.

Yes, Canada needed an agreement with its biggest trade partner, but it is galling that to placate the Orange Ego another wound was inflicted on rural Canada and another piece of national sovereignt­y was surrendere­d.

The economic realists tell us the glass is half full; that without relatively unfettered access to the U.S. market, great chunks of the Canadian economy would grind to a frozen halt; that giving the American dairy industry access to about four per cent of the Canadian market was a reasonable price to pay; and that Ottawa will find a way to compensate Canadian dairy farmers for their losses.

First, let’s force that four per cent — or 3.6 per cent to be precise — of Canada’s dairy sector into a context that makes it real. It is equal to 100 per cent of the milk produced by Nova Scotia’s 215 dairy farms plus all of Prince Edward Island’s 165 dairy farms.

It’s also just the latest insult to one of the country’s most stable and successful farm sectors. Various internatio­nal trade deals have collective­ly opened 18 per cent of Canada’s dairy market to foreign competitio­n.

And what’s wrong with that, ask the free trade purists and myopic consumer advocates.

Not a thing, so long as you’re also willing to sacrifice food security and don’t give a whit about the economic viability of rural Canada.

Dairy farms are an economic mainstay in countless small communitie­s across the country. Canadian dairy farms are highly efficient, mostly family-owned and operated businesses that return more than 80 per cent of their gross earnings to their local, rural economies.

Supply management, much maligned by those who worship at the altar of unrestrain­ed market forces, ensures price stability and a fair return for Canadian milk producers who, on average, milk fewer than 100 cows.

Contrast Canada’s stable milk market and family dairy farms to the American experience, where a third of the milk is produced by about one per cent of the farms – factory farms milking more than 2,000 cows.

Dairy farms are spread across Canada, roughly in proportion to the population, so the milk Canadians drink almost certainly came from a farm nearby. Two U.S. states – Wisconsin and California – supply more than a third of the dairy products demanded by all 50 states.

Almost lost in the national sigh of relief when we got a trade deal with Trump, was Canada’s surrender to U.S. demands that exports of milk protein concentrat­es, skim milk powder and infant formula from Canada will be limited, worldwide.

Sure, it was nice to have Ms. Freeland in the neighbourh­ood for a few days. And yes, we are thankful for the Canadian jobs salvaged — provided the agreement is ratified by Parliament and Congress — by the deal Trump calls USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada-Agreement) apparently forcing the rest of us to call it that too.

But, if you value things like a viable rural economy, the family farm, and a secure supply of milk for the kids located just a few kilometres away, understand that this deal chips away at each of those fragile assets.

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