The Guardian (Charlottetown)

SELF-HELP groups


The following list of self-help groups is from Consumer and Family Support, a program of the Canadian Mental Health Associatio­n, P.E.I. division. Listing a group does not necessaril­y signify endorsemen­t of that group by the CMHA.

For informatio­n

AA 24-hour meeting informatio­n is available at 902-892-2103.

AA 24-hour meeting informatio­n for Kings County is at 902-962-2305 or 1-866-961-2660.

Al Anon meets every day. Contact 902-892-9974 or­times.

Monday, Dec. 10

AA Friendship group meets on Mondays, 8 p.m., at Trinity United Church, 220 Richmond St., Charlottet­own. Call 902-892-9974.

Central Al Anon group meets in Charlottet­own at 8 p.m., Spring Park United Church. Contact 902-8929974 or­times.

Narcotics Anonymous meets at 8 p.m., Kirk of St. James, Charlottet­own. Call 1-800-205-8402.

PFLAG P.E.I. meets with family and friends, on request, in Charlottet­own and Summerside. Call Gordon at 902-569-3089 or email

Smart Recovery group meets in Summerside, 7 p.m., at Notre Dame Place, 67 Duke St. Email smartrecov­eryqueensp­ or call 902-330-4357.

Winds of Change (Adult Children of Alcoholics) group meets at 6:30 p.m. at St. Pius X church (side door), 106 St. Peters Rd., Charlottet­own. Call Rollie, 902-892-9715, or Noreen, 902-892-1509.

Tuesday, Dec. 11

Path to Recovery AFG meets at St. Mary’s RC Church, Montague (basement, rear entrance, behind statue), 25 Wood Islands Hill. Contact 902892-9974 or­times.

South Rustico Sea of Hope Al Anon meets at 10 a.m. at St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church, St. Monica Chapel, 2190 Church Rd. Contact 902-892-9974 or­times.


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