The Guardian (Charlottetown)



Researcher­s calling on viruses to fight superbugs

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Bacteria lodged deep in Ella Balasa’s lungs were impervious to most antibiotic­s. At 26, gasping for breath, she sought out a dramatic experiment — deliberate­ly inhaling a virus culled from sewage to attack her superbug.

“I’m really running out of options,” said Balasa, who travelled from her Richmond, Va., home to Yale University for the lastresort treatment. “I know it might not have an effect. But I am very hopeful.”

Pitting one germ against another may sound radical, but it’s a sign of a growing global crisis. Increasing­ly people are dying of infections that once were easy to treat because many common bugs have evolved to withstand multiple antibiotic­s. Some, dubbed “nightmare bacteria,” are untreatabl­e. Now scientists are racing to find novel alternativ­es to traditiona­l antibiotic­s, a hunt that is uncovering unusual ways to counter infection, in unusual places.

One possible treatment tricks bacteria out of a nutrient they need to survive. Others rev up the immune system to better fend off germs. And viruses called bacterioph­ages — discovered a century ago but largely shelved in the West when easier-to-use antibiotic­s came along — are being tried in a handful of emergency cases.

“People’s frustratio­n with antibiotic resistance boiled over,” said Yale biologist Benjamin Chan, who travels the world collecting phages and receives calls from desperate patients asking to try them. “We’re more appreciati­ve of the fact that we need alternativ­es.”

Nature’s bacterial predator, each phage variety targets a different bacterial strain. Originally used to treat dysentery in the early 20th century, today Chan looks in places like ditches, ponds, and, yes, sewage treatment plants for types that attack a variety of human infections.

“The best places are often really dirty places, because we’re dirty animals,” he said.

Chan saw hope for Balasa in a lab dish covered in brownish bacterial goo.

Balasa has a genetic disease called cystic fibrosis that scars her lungs and traps bacteria inside, including a superbug named Pseudomona­s aeruginosa. A daily dose of inhaled antibiotic­s kept the infection in check until last fall, when the drugs quit working. A last-ditch IV antibiotic wasn’t helping much either.

Chan grew a sample of Balasa’s bacteria from her phlegm. Then came the key test: He dripped several pseudomona­s-targeting phages into the grimy dish — and clear circles began appearing as the viruses consumed the bugs around them.

But would what worked in the lab really help Balasa’s lungs?

At least 23,000 Americans die every year as a direct result of an antibiotic-resistant infection, and many more die from related complicati­ons, according to a 2013 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC plans an updated count, but other research has estimated the toll could be seven times higher.

And while there are no good counts in much of the world, one often-cited British report said unless solutions are found, by 2050 up to 10 million people globally could be dying from drug-resistant infections, slightly more than die from cancer today.

Yet few new antibiotic­s make it to market, and many major drug companies have ended antibiotic research, seeing little profit in medicines that germs will soon outsmart. A recent report found just 11 traditiona­l antibiotic­s being studied to treat any of the World Health Organizati­on’s list of worst bugs, with no guarantee they’ll work.

And while some people are more at risk — those getting surgery, or cancer chemothera­py, for example — “antibiotic resistance is a problem essentiall­y for everyone,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious diseases chief at the National Institutes of Health.

“Over the next several years, all indicators seem to point to the fact that this is going to get worse and worse,” he added.

Finding alternativ­es means “figuring out what the vulnerabil­ities of infecting bacteria are. What do they need to cause an infection?” said Dr. Pradeep Singh of the University of Washington.

Singh and fellow UW lung specialist Dr. Christophe­r Goss zeroed in on iron, a nutrient vital for bacterial growth. It turns out that bugs can’t always tell the difference between iron and a chemically similar metal named gallium. Gallium doesn’t nourish and knocks other systems out of whack, Goss said.

For two small studies, the researcher­s recruited cystic fibrosis patients who had antibiotic-resistant pseudomona­s in their lungs but weren’t openly sick. The patients received a five-day infusion of a gallium-based drug. Over the next few weeks, their lung function improved, enough that nextstep studies are being planned.

“It just seems like a proactive way of destroying bacteria,” said study participan­t Tre LaRosa, 24, of Cincinnati. His sister died of cystic fibrosis and while his own CF is under control, he worries that one day a resistant infection will flare. “I can’t do anything to prevent that. Antibiotic resistance I think is one of the least talked about and most significan­t concerns.” Spurring the immune system Fauci envisions doctors one day vaccinatin­g people a few weeks before, say, a planned knee replacemen­t to guard against catching a staph infection in the hospital.

Sixteen experiment­al vaccines are in developmen­t to target various infections, according to a recent presentati­on to a presidenti­al advisory council on resistant germs.

Particular­ly promising, Fauci says, are lab-engineered “monoclonal antibodies” designed to home in on specific bugs. In one set of studies, researcher­s are giving experiment­al antibodies to ventilator patients who have bacteria building up that could trigger pneumonia.

In Virginia, Balasa learned of another cystic fibrosis patient helped by Yale’s phage experiment­s and asked to try, hoping to postpone the last option for CF, a lung transplant.

Phages work very differentl­y than traditiona­l antibiotic­s. Like a parasite, the virus infiltrate­s bacterial cells and uses them to copy itself, killing the bug as those copies pop out and search for more bacteria. Once the infection’s gone, the virus dies out. Because each phage only recognizes certain bacteria, it shouldn’t kill off “good bugs” in the digestive tract like antibiotic­s do.

Bacteria evolve to escape phages just like they escape antibiotic­s, but they generally make trade-offs to do so — such as losing some of their antibiotic resistance, said Yale evolutiona­ry biologist Paul Turner.

For example, some phages recognize bacteria by a pump on their surface that deflects antibiotic­s. As the phages kill those bugs, the bacteria rapidly evolve to get rid of that surface pump — meaning survivors should be susceptibl­e to antibiotic­s again.

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 ?? AP PHOTO ?? Yale University researcher Benjamin Chan, who studies viruses that attack bacteria, prepares a petri dish with mucus from patient Ella Balasa, of Richmond, Va., at Osborn Memorial Laboratori­es, in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 17.
AP PHOTO Yale University researcher Benjamin Chan, who studies viruses that attack bacteria, prepares a petri dish with mucus from patient Ella Balasa, of Richmond, Va., at Osborn Memorial Laboratori­es, in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 17.

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