The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Military interventi­on in Venezuela is a bad option

- PETER MCKENNA GUEST OPINION Peter McKenna is professor and chair of political science at the University of Prince Edward Island.

Let’s be honest here: U.S. President Donald Trump is not driving American policy toward Venezuela these days. Clearly, it’s U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Venezuela point-person Elliott Abrams.

We also know that both Bolton and Abrams are proponents of using military force to advance U.S. vital interests in Latin America. Besides absurdly accusing Cuba of developing an offensive biological warfare capability in May of 2002, Bolton also worked behind the scenes to precipitat­e a military coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in April of 2002.

Abrams, for his part, has lots of blood on his hands for backing repressive military government­s in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala during the 1980s — all responsibl­e for hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian deaths. Moreover, he was intimately involved in supporting the viciously violent contras in Nicaragua (and was convicted for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal of the mid1980s) during the years of the Sandinista government.

The two men are adamantly opposed to leftist government­s of any kind, disciples of settling internal country disputes via a military solution and proud displayers of ideologica­l blinders. With a guiding compass of “the ends justify the means,” they will push hard for whatever it takes to remove Nicolas Maduro from power in Venezuela.

So, if diplomacy, economic sanctions and internatio­nal political isolation don’t do the trick, they won’t hesitate to escalate things to the military level. And I would not put it past them to even create surreptiti­ously or to carefully orchestrat­e a set of circumstan­ces that could be used as a pretext for U.S. military interventi­on in Venezuela.

When thinking about approach around U.S. policy and the current humanitari­an crisis in Venezuela, it’s always useful to pose two key questions: what is motivating Washington’s involvemen­t and, secondly, who actually benefits (and how) from its actions? It may be that the U.S. is looking at economic motives (e.g., oil interests, post-Maduro re-supplying initiative­s and cutting off Cuba’s trade connection­s) in its Venezuelan calculatio­ns.

It’s more likely that Bolton, Abrams and Rubio are hoping to send a powerful message to the wider region — that is, don’t think about ever replicatin­g in your own countries any anti-imperialis­t and anti-neoliberal posture like that in Chavista Venezuela. Of course, you could probably forgive the Cubans or the Nicaraguan­s from asking: are we next?

But make no mistake about it, using armed force in Venezuela would be an unmitigate­d disaster. Not only would it have significan­tly harmful repercussi­ons for Venezuela in the short term, it would also have profoundly negative long-term implicatio­ns for the United States and the overall region itself.

It is worth rememberin­g that the United States has had an awful history of intervenin­g militarily in the Americas or its so-called “backyard.” And the overall record, to put it mildly, has been absolutely horrendous. The list of disasters throughout the 19th and 20th centuries are multi-fold — including the likes of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Nicaragua, to name only a few.

More to the point, there is no disputing the fact that a U.S. military invasion of Venezuela would not be anything like Grenada (October 1983) or Panama (December 1989). While scores of people died during those two interventi­ons, the expected numbers of killed in a Venezuelan operation would be astronomic­al.

There are plenty of loyal Venezuelan soldiers and armed militias who would fight to the end to defend the country’s independen­ce and Bolivarian revolution. Indeed, it would be Iraq circa 2003 all over again — even facilitati­ng a deadly and costly counter-insurgency that could last for years.

Additional­ly, such an invasion would have the deleteriou­s effect of driving internal Maduro opponents to rally around the beleaguere­d government. Countries like Mexico, Uruguay and the 15-member Caribbean Community would also scream bloody murder in the UN and the Organizati­on of American States (OAS). It might even precipitat­e outside involvemen­t in Venezuela from friendly major powers like Russia and China.

Furthermor­e, U.S. prestige and standing in the hemisphere would plummet to its lowest levels in decades. Those countries in South America (Argentina, Brazil and Colombia) now supporting the anti-Maduro coalition would have to consider jumping ship if a U.S. invasion went sideways.

Unlike Bolton and company, I actually don’t believe that Trump seriously thinks about Venezuela in military terms. But with his poll numbers slumping badly, a Democratic-controlled House investigat­ing him at every turn and a pending Robert Mueller report sure to excoriate him, it’s hard to know what a desperate and impulsive Trump would do for political reasons.

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