The Guardian (Charlottetown)

‘Why’ are you on this fitness journey?

Finding motivation is key to overcoming obstacles


Atlantic Canada, I’m back!

Two weeks ago, I touched on the fact that just because someone may not be lazy, it doesn’t necessaril­y mean they don’t need to exercise. I encouraged you all to find 30 minutes in your day to devote to fitness and exercise and to research different facilities, even potentiall­y visiting those facilities to find one that would be a good fit for your goals.

Now that we have hopefully covered the starting point, we need to find the motivation within ourselves to stay on track to reach our desired goals.

Besides educating yourself, the two main ingredient­s you need to achieve your goals is a strong, personal “why” and self-discipline. Self-discipline is at the root of this. It is something that quite honestly most people struggle with, including myself. That said, I try to practise self discipline each day, consistent­ly making it stronger. I treat it like my body. Then you need to find your “why.” Your “why” is something that is not only your motivation, but it is the sole thing that is going to keep you going when you feel like you are pressed for time.

As you start your fitness journey, there are going to be many obstacles along the way and for the most part, it may be easier to say, “I’ll put it off until tomorrow.” However, if your “why” is strong enough, it will keep you on track and consistent to push through the days when you’re thinking you want to postpone your workout. Therefore, you need to discover the reason you are doing this. Without a personal “why”, meeting your goals may prove difficult. Your “why” needs to be stronger than your excuses. Since you asked…

As promised, each week I am going to answer a reader’s question and this week I have chosen, “Am I too old to go to the gym and follow a weight-training program?” from a 73-year-old reader.

The simple answer to this is no. As long as you can show up, you are never too old to go to the gym.

As we age, we may have different limitation­s as to what we are able to do, but I truly believe there is no age limit. Not only will being active and working out slow down our biological clocks, but in some instances, it can turn them back.

One great example of this is a member here at The Barn. Since opening my gym in 2016, I have had the privilege to train with an 82-year-old female who continues to defy time. Although she was active when she joined The Barn, her mobility and strength were limited. She stayed committed to the boot camp classes and has since significan­tly improved both of these areas. She is able to do push-ups from her feet for 45 consecutiv­e seconds and for the average person, this is a tough feat.

This client is a true testament to the fact that we are not aged upon the number of days we are present on earth but more so by how well we take care of our health. A great analogy I use to explain this to my clients is to treat your body like a race car. If you want it to work to its full potential and last longer, it needs to be well maintained and given the best fuel and lubricants.

Remember guys, everybody is different and any one health and fitness tip might not work for everyone. For tailored advice, I advise reaching out to a fitness instructor in your area.


Each week, I’ll feature a reader’s question, provide my general advice and opinion on the topic. Want me to answer your questions? Email me at

Emmett Blois is a fitness trainer and owner of The Barn Fitness in Elmsdale, N.S. He’s passionate about working out and helping people reach their fitness goals.

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