The Guardian (Charlottetown)

A call for action

Hundreds of P.E.I. residents add voices to global strike for climate


Sixteen-year-old Destiny Fraser has been trying to take care of her planet for as long as she can remember.

“I knew since I was little that we had to recycle, sort our garbage and simple stuff like that,’’ she says.

Destiny knows climate change is a big problem – a crisis, in fact. No need, she adds, to pretend otherwise.

“We just need to save our planet because it’s the only planet that we have,’’ she says.

Destiny, who moved to P.E.I. from Nigeria two years ago, wants Canada’s next federal government to take strong action in addressing the climate crisis and not just to offer cheap talk on the critical issue.

Destiny has been inspired by activists taking charge to raise alarm over the catastroph­ic effects of the climate crisis, notably 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg who started a movement called #FridaysFor­Future calling for students to strike.

Hundreds of Island students gathered outside Province House in Charlottet­own on Friday to add their voice to the throngs of others who hit the streets across Canada and the world for another round of global climate strikes. Global climate strikes kicked off Sept. 20 with a week of climate activities.

The UN emergency climate summit, held on Sept. 23, fell between the two climate strike dates.

UPEI political science student Chloe Greene, 18, of Kensington walked to Province House from the university with about 30 fellow students to take part in the boisterous rally.

“Well, we came because we want change,’’ she says.

Greene, who uses public transit to get to university each day, would like the country’s next government to put an “adequate plan’’ in place to address the climate crisis.

She hopes one day to be in public office in a position to influence positive approaches to dealing with climate change.

Event organizer Tony Reddin was pleased with the large turnout of youth, as well as adults from all walks of life.

“Well, this is what we’re looking for, of course,’’ he says.

Reddin led hundreds of people through the streets of Charlottet­own, with local police doing a good job keeping protesters safe from motorists, picking selected spots to gather and call for action.

Charlottet­own Mayor Philip Brown was loudly urged for the municipali­ty to “act faster’’ in addressing climate change. Brown promised to do so. The mayor’s office sent out a release Friday noting the city is currently participat­ing in a project led by QUEST (Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow) on developing community resilience to Climate Change. The end product will be a Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation assessment report for the City of Charlottet­own in 2019-2020.

The procession also made stops at MP Sean Casey’s Charlottet­own constituen­cy office, The Guardian office, where the media was told to provide better coverage of climate change, and finally to the Coles Building, where the provincial legislatur­e meets.

Megan Burnside of Charlottet­own came to the rally with her husband, Randy Campbell, and the couple’s eight-month-old daughter Gemma and two-year-old son Alec.

She says action is needed now.

“I think that climate change is real, and it is happening, and we have to act quickly if we want to make sure that the future is secured for this generation and for generation­s to come,’’ she says.

Burnside says the next federal government needs to work to eliminate fossil fuels and restore the environmen­t, so it “can do its own work in making the planet healthy again. And we need to look at funding businesses and initiative­s that help the environmen­tal cause.’’

Burnside says she tries to do her part for the environmen­t by buying used items and purchasing food sourced in the province or as close as possible.

She also tries to refrain from driving long distances and plans to continue to add her voice to a call for action.

Katie Shaw, 16, of Stratford puts the climate crisis – something she calls a really big issue – into perspectiv­e.

“This is something affecting everyone,’’ she says.

“It doesn’t matter what country you are living in, what your race, ethnicity or class is. This is our only planet. So, this is the biggest issue I think that we are facing as a human race and I think that it should really be seen that way.’’

 ?? JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN ?? Hundreds of Island students take part in a rally Friday in Charlottet­own as part of the Global Strike on Climate. Most of the protesters weaved through the streets of the city chanting “climate justice’’ and calling on all levels of government to act.
JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN Hundreds of Island students take part in a rally Friday in Charlottet­own as part of the Global Strike on Climate. Most of the protesters weaved through the streets of the city chanting “climate justice’’ and calling on all levels of government to act.
 ?? JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN ?? A protester speaks with a police officer during a loud but orderly rally in Charlottet­own on Friday. It was part of an internatio­nal movement founded by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg to force government­s and corporatio­ns to tack action to ensure young people and future generation­s will have a habitable planet.
JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN A protester speaks with a police officer during a loud but orderly rally in Charlottet­own on Friday. It was part of an internatio­nal movement founded by 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg to force government­s and corporatio­ns to tack action to ensure young people and future generation­s will have a habitable planet.
 ?? JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN ?? Seven-year-old Emma Arnold of North Rustico holds a large sign with a poignant message at a rally held Friday outside Province House to raise alarm for the need for urgent action on the climate crisis.
JIM DAY/THE GUARDIAN Seven-year-old Emma Arnold of North Rustico holds a large sign with a poignant message at a rally held Friday outside Province House to raise alarm for the need for urgent action on the climate crisis.

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