The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Restrainin­g procreatio­n ‘a method of prevention of suffering’: Ottawa man

‘Anti-natalists’ deem procreatio­n to be unethical


There are those who want children and those who can’t have children.

And then there are those who think you shouldn’t have children … for the better of mankind.

Meet anti-natalists, people who philosophi­cally believe that procreatio­n is morally bad. While humans don’t have babies for one reason or another, these individual­s are turned off from having kids to preserve the environmen­t and to curb overpopula­tion.

According to the Daily Mail, the anti-natalist movement doesn’t want people to die, but rather diminish the world’s population until all humans ultimately perish.

One of those who believe in anti-natalism is Mark Maharaj of Ottawa. A self-professed vegan and philanthro­pic antinatali­st, the 33-year-old believes restrainin­g procreatio­n is a “method of prevention of suffering.”

Maharaj told the Daily Mail he was influenced by the works of David Benatar, a South African academic and major believer in anti-natalism. Benatar’s book, Better to Never Have Been, stated people should never procreate because it will cause serious harm to the world.

“Before that, I technicall­y didn’t want to procreate but

I had no idea about the philosophy until I looked it up,” said Maharaj. “When I found out about it, it gave me a lot of comfort knowing there was a school of thought that was in alignment with mine and there was also others who thought the same.”

Maharaj said he wanted to get a vasectomy but was denied by doctors because they believed he might change his mind later on. The single man usually brings up the subject of anti-natalism in the early stages of dating a partner, and if she wanted children, then he’d think “we weren’t a match with our life goals and views.”

The Ontario man believed that while anti-natalism is a “radical” philosophy, he said he’s “not like the more extreme end.”

The Daily Mail reported the militant intoleranc­e of those who are under the anti-natalist category can be found on internet forums, which provides a safe haven for like-minded people to share their views.

For example, a poll in a closed anti-natalist forum showed darker undertones, asking: “What actions would you be willing to take to spread informatio­n about over-population/ anti-natalism?”

Answers ranged from “social media sharing”, “make birth control available over-thecounter” and “overpopula­tion demonstrat­ions in schools”, to more eye-opening solutions such as “global compassion­ate and free euthanasia on-demand”, “voluntary paid sterilizat­ion” and “mandatory birth control to age 23”.

Benatar was noted as one of the first major believers in anti-natalism, stating there’s a distinctio­n between “philanthro­pic” anti-natalists – beliefs that come from a love of humanity with concerns for humans who are brought into existence; and “misanthrop­ic” anti-natalists, who think humanity is ultimately flawed.

The Daily Mail reported the anti-natalism movement has picked up steam in recent years and can overlap with environmen­tal concerns in light of fears of an overpopula­ted earth and climate change.

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