The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Walk and guided talk Sunday in Orwell


ORWELL — The Sir Andrew Macphail Foundation in Orwell has acquired the neighbouri­ng Lindsay property, a 100-acre woodland along the Orwell River. To celebrate this acquisitio­n, there will be a talk about the new property and a guided walk on Sunday at the Macphail Woods Nature Centre.

Leading up to the talk, traditiona­l music will be performed by Kevin and Colin Jeffrey. Refreshmen­ts will be provided.

Then at 2 p.m., Gary Schneider of Macphail Woods will give a talk on the history of the property and planned forest restoratio­n and educationa­l activities. After the talk, there will be a walk to the Lindsay property for a ribbon-cutting ceremony with attending descendant­s of Sir Andrew Macphail and a short tour of the woodlands.

Admission to the Lindsay property talk and walk is free and everyone is welcome. Donations are welcome. For more informatio­n, visit the Macphail Woods Facebook page.

The Lindsay property has been owned by the Macphail family since 1913. Three and a half years ago the family was approached to find out if they would be interested in donating this land to the Sir Andrew Macphail Foundation. The foundation received approval from Environmen­t Canada to become an eligible recipient, which allowed the property to be received as an ecological gift. This property will be used to demonstrat­e ecological­ly sound forest management and restoratio­n practices.

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