The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Couple time helps relationsh­ips

- Ellie Tesher Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Send relationsh­ip questions to Follow @ellieadvic­e.

Q-My problem is that my wife talks a lot during sex.

We have a very busy life, with three children in school, and both of us working. There are a lot of to-do lists, schedules, school programs, special events, etc. to discuss and remember.

Unfortunat­ely, it’s too often after the kids go to sleep and we can maybe have some intimacy, that she starts talking about what’s on the agenda.

When I’ve said that her timing puts me off sex and I’m frustrated by it, she gets defensive.

She’ll say things like she’s too busy to pretend she’s my mistress and not an over-stressed, working mom.

She’ll insist there are too many places she, I, or we have to be, and too many tasks that must be remembered and done.

Our sex life is the only thing being neglected without her worrying about it.

I wish she’d understand that if we can just regularly spend some time alone, just being close and having sex without stopping to discuss the shopping list, we’d both feel less stressed.

And things would probably get done more easily because we’d have less tension from arguing about this. How do I express all this without starting another fight? Frustrated in Bed

A-A study published this year in the “Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy” might surprise you with new hope.

It found that people who communicat­e in bed tend to be more satisfied both sexually and in their relationsh­ips.

Of course, the communicat­ion that was studied mostly related to the actual sex act, for example, about what a partner liked, or what made one uncomforta­ble, etc. So, here’s one approach: Take that bedroom communicat­ion farther and tell your wife that you understand how overwhelmi­ng these lists can be.

Then suggest that you hold that discussion weekly or as needed, in your kitchen after dinner. Or when the kids are all doing homework and only needing you intermitte­ntly. Just not during sex.

Tell her you want to preserve that time, whenever possible, for the re-connecting so essential for rememberin­g why you fell in love initially and started a life together with so many demands.

As for your current lifestyle, there’s something else to discuss, not in bed: Consider together, periodical­ly, what you can drop from the must-do list. If a child is heavily involved in a particular sport, it’s easier on her/him and yourselves if there’s a break from the other sport commitment­s, at least for a season.

Yours isn’t a unique problem, though the discussing timetables during sex aspect puts a new twist on the difficulti­es of finding couple time.

In 2010, Dr. Lois Meredith, a New York couples' and individual therapist told “Psychology Today”, that couples' time is critical for busy parents who want to keep their connection and ensure their relationsh­ip remains strong.

She said, "Intimacy takes time; first at the level of self -awareness: what am I feeling? How can I express this to my loved one in such a way that they will feel supported and not just criticized.” She noted that partners who are always on the run are immensely stressed, fatigued, illtempere­d and without patience.

For these reasons, events and disagreeme­nts that might have been brushed off, lead very quickly to angry exchanges, explosions, distancing, and eventually even dissolutio­n of the relationsh­ip.

Tell your wife that what matters most is your relationsh­ip, not the timetables, and not just the sex.

Ellie’s tip of the day: Too much scheduling and discussion­s about it in bed interferin­g with your sex life? Find couple time for the relationsh­ip, not just for sex.

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