The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Scientists urge stronger Paris Agreement


WASHINGTON — The vast majority of national commitment­s in the 2015 Paris Agreement are inadequate to prevent the worst effects of global warming, scientists said Tuesday, naming the world’s biggest greenhouse gas-emitting countries as among those that must ratchet up their efforts.

“Government­s are moving in the right direction, but nowhere near enough, so hopefully they will be willing to take on much stronger commitment­s” in next month’s United Nation’s climate summit in Spain, said Robert Watson, lead author of the report by the non-profit Universal Ecological Fund.

The report ranked nearly 75 per cent, or 136, of the pledges as insufficie­nt, including ones by major carbon emitters China, the United States, and India. A dozen, by countries including Australia, Japan and Brazil, were judged only partially sufficient.

Countries at next month’s summit in Madrid will hash out some details of the internatio­nal pact to curb warming. Chile withdrew as host following weeks of riots protesting inequality.

Of the 184 pledges countries made under the climate agreement, only 36 are ambitious enough to help reach the agreement’s goal of keeping global warming less than 1.5 Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the report said. Most of those 36 are by countries in the European Union.

Watson, a former chair of the U.N. Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, said the report could be read two ways: “You can read, ‘My God it’s hopeless’, or ‘My God, this is a wake-up call.’”

Watson estimated that even if all nations meet their existing pledges, the world would be headed for temperatur­e rise of between 3 and 3.5 degrees Celsius, which could lead to more extreme weather, rising sea levels and the loss of plant and animal species.

The report rated the European Union’s 28 member states as having sufficient pledges because they aim to cut emissions of greenhouse gases by at least 40 per cent below the 1990 level by 2030.

It ranked the United States as insufficie­nt because President Donald Trump reversed former President Barack Obama’s climate policies and yanked Washington out of the pact. The administra­tion, which argues that Paris Agreement would cost U.S. taxpayers too much money, filed official paperwork Monday to withdraw.

China, the world’s top emitter of greenhouse gases, and India, also came in as insufficie­nt because their pledges focus on carbon intensity targets, which lower emissions per unit of gross domestic product, or GDP. Because those economies are growing and coal produces much of their electricit­y, total emissions have risen sharply even though carbon intensity levels in China and India have fallen.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Greenpeace environmen­tal group stage a protest in Berlin, Germany.
REUTERS Greenpeace environmen­tal group stage a protest in Berlin, Germany.

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