The Guardian (Charlottetown)




Thursday, Dec. 5, 2019:

This year, you have many choices. Some of your decisions might be based on your intuition, and others will be based on facts. Both processes will work for you. You will gain financiall­y this year. If single, the person you date will need to enjoy your multifacet­ed personalit­y. Make sure you know each other well. If attached, the two of you create a lot of diversity and excitement in your lives. You both like the stimulatio­n and rarely are bored. ARIES runs through your life like an energizer bunny!


(March 21-April 19) Your mood changes as the day ages. You see situations in a totally different manner after a few hours. Whereas you might decide a situation was a no-go in the a.m., by midafterno­on, you know you can handle it.


(April 20-May 20) Your friends support you in most of your goals and desires. Neverthele­ss, today you look within to see if these goals and desires remain valid. Often, what one wished for a year ago might change given time.


(May 21-June 20) You have worked hard to complete a project or fulfill another person’s requests. By afternoon, you will want to slow down and relax with friends. A call from a co-worker signals good news.


(June 21-July 22) You often think and feel deeply when you attempt to come to a conclusion or decision. Impulse hits today, and you might toss your normal processing to the wind. In fact, a strong, impulsive drive pushes you to achieve.


(July 23-Aug. 22) You relate with a great deal of empathy to one specific person. In some sense, you identify with this person. You quickly detach when dealing with day-to-day matters and look at the big picture.


(Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Others seek you out. Sometimes you cannot deal with or understand someone’s high emotional frequency. In fact, you could become somewhat irate dealing with this person.


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Your emotions play a bigger part than you realize when getting to the bottom of a problem. Midday, a partner pushes you to become more analytical about an important matter.


(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Your intuition leads you down many paths. You need to tune into your feelings more often. At times you come up with totally logical conclusion­s to cover an emotional gut response. Today you do just that!


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) You have mulled over an emotional issue many times now. The time has come to release it and just be yourself. Your creativity and imaginatio­n merge, coming up with unique solutions and dynamic ideas.


(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Be more inquisitiv­e about a situation brewing around you. As you get to the bottom of it, you might be quite amused. An emotional issue might need to be cleared, especially if it involves a loved one.


(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Doublechec­k your change and make sure you have made the proper decisions financiall­y. Despite the upcoming season, be a bit conservati­ve with your spending. Consider a gift of action for a friend.


(Feb. 19-March 20) You lose some of your edge midday. You have pushed long and hard. You also have relied on your natural intuition. You opt to finally go off do some Santa chores and Christmas spending.


Entreprene­ur Walt Disney (1901), actress Paula Patton (1975), writer Carolyn Hax (1966)

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