The Guardian (Charlottetown)

City still waiting for Tim Hortons traffic issue to be addressed


There’s been little action in the past month but the developer that owns the land a new Tim Hortons restaurant and drivethru sits on near the Maypoint roundabout is still talking about addressing some traffic concerns.

A brief update on the issue, which was first raised publicly in mid-December, came up at a recent meeting of the city’s planning and heritage committee.

Alex Forbes, manager of planning, said he has been in touch with the applicant about moving forward with making necessary changes to the road but was looking for some assurance that the city would approve the work.

Coun. Greg Rivard, chairman of the committee, said despite the fact a traffic study and a peer-to-peer review was done he’s still concerned about traffic queuing both on Maypoint Road entering into the roundabout and then traffic coming in from Cornwall on the highway also getting caught up in the congestion.

The councillor said it would only have a handful of vehicles trying to enter the drive-thru off Maypoint Road to stack before causing traffic issues in the roundabout. All parties involved — Tim’s, city planning, police, the land owner and the province — have met to discuss options.

Rivard said when he saw the initial plan he had immediate concerns regarding traffic congestion.

“After reviewing the initial traffic study, I wasn’t convinced with the findings as I live very close to the area in question and I have seen first-hand the potential issues that could arise,’’ Rivard said in December. “This prompted me to ask council to approve a peer-to-peer review to be done. The results of this report confirmed and validated a few of my concerns.’’

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