The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Lights, camera, action

Charlottet­own hairstylis­t has makeover TV show in the works to help those who struggle


A Charlottet­own hair stylist who is grateful to the community for helping him fit in wants to give back by giving people a makeover.

Miguel McCristall came from Oshawa, Ont., six years ago with his wife, Jenny Luczka, and decided to settle here.

He currently operates Salon Miguel on University Avenue, sharing space with the Kuts n Kurls Hair Salon.

And, he’s now in the process of creating a TV reality show that will be filmed in his salon, called “Darling, You Look Fabulous’’, with the help of artist/author Cindy Lapeña and producer David Rashed.

McCristall has previous experience with this type of makeover reality show, having done one in Oshawa for Rogers in the 1980s.

“It became so big they started airing it three times a day in Ontario. It was called “Makeover Mondays with Miguel’’,’’ McCristall said in an interview on Tuesday.

To bring an updated version of that show to life on P.E.I., McCristall approached Rashed with a specific request in mind as to the clientele.

“On the Island, a lot of people struggle. Doing this show will be me helping someone in need. It will be about helping someone feel better about themselves, maybe give them the confidence they need to go out and do whatever they want. Maybe it will help give someone the confidence to go out and get a job. Some people can’t afford good haircuts, can’t afford good colours, can’t afford good clothes. This is our opportunit­y to say, ‘We’ll help you, we’ll give you the wardrobe, we’ll give you the highlights, we’ll give you the makeup’.’’

Lapeña, who is helping McCristall with the project, said they are working with Karrie MacDougall at First Impression­s, a non-profit organizati­on that provides women in need with quality clothing, footwear and accessorie­s at no cost, and Betty Begg-Brooks, who runs a not-for-profit organizati­on devoted to helping low-income Islanders, those going through temporary hardships and the homeless.

She added that they’re getting some interns to help out from the Private Institute of Hair Design and Aesthetics.

“We’ll be sending people over to First Impression­s and to Betty to get a new wardrobe,’’ Lapeña said.

“A lot of people need a makeover. They need to look better. They need the confidence. They need a boost.

Goodness knows there are a lot of people on the Island who can’t afford a good hair style or have the right clothes to get a job for an interview.’’

She said they’re hoping eventually to broadcast the series in a half-hour format, beginning sometime in June.

They also plan to augment the show with a video series and post full interviews on the internet, create a YouTube channel and a website where they can post interviews and do followups with clients down the road to see how they made out.

 ?? DAVE STEWART/THE GUARDIAN ?? Charlottet­own hairstylis­t Miguel McCristall is full of personalit­y and is always looking to have some fun at work. McCristall is in the process of prepping to star in a TV makeover reality show with the help of artist/author Cindy Lapeña. The team has decided to focus on a clientele that is struggling in life in some way and could use a boost.
DAVE STEWART/THE GUARDIAN Charlottet­own hairstylis­t Miguel McCristall is full of personalit­y and is always looking to have some fun at work. McCristall is in the process of prepping to star in a TV makeover reality show with the help of artist/author Cindy Lapeña. The team has decided to focus on a clientele that is struggling in life in some way and could use a boost.
 ?? DAVE STEWART/THE GUARDIAN ?? Charlottet­own hairstylis­t Miguel McCristall has formed a team that includes his wife, Jenny Luczka, shown in the chair, and artist/author Cindy Lapeña. They are in the process of screening clients for an upcoming TV reality makeover show called “Darling, You Look Fabulous’’. Lapeña is also writing McCristall’s biography that will be on bookstore shelves in June.
DAVE STEWART/THE GUARDIAN Charlottet­own hairstylis­t Miguel McCristall has formed a team that includes his wife, Jenny Luczka, shown in the chair, and artist/author Cindy Lapeña. They are in the process of screening clients for an upcoming TV reality makeover show called “Darling, You Look Fabulous’’. Lapeña is also writing McCristall’s biography that will be on bookstore shelves in June.

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