The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Delay in Iowa caucus results spark Democrat frustratio­n


DES MOINES, Iowa — The Democratic Party’s bid to choose a candidate to take on Donald Trump at the Nov.3 U.S. presidenti­al election was in disarray on Tuesday, after technical problems delayed vote counting in Iowa to the dismay of the party faithful and the delight of the Republican president.

There was still no winner on Tuesday morning from Monday’s Iowa caucuses voting, with officials blaming “inconsiste­ncies” related to a new mobile app used for vote counting in the state that traditiona­lly kicks off a U.S. presidenti­al election year.

It was a clumsy start to 2020 voting, after a bad-tempered presidenti­al campaign four years ago that produced a surprise winner in Trump and led to a two-year federal investigat­ion into election interferen­ce by Russia.

The head of Iowa’s Democratic Party promised to release results “as soon as possible” on Tuesday but said the top priority was ensuring the integrity of the process and accuracy of the results.

“Every second that passes undermines the process a little bit,” said Roger Lau, campaign manager for U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Trump mocked the Democrats, calling the caucus confusion an “unmitigate­d disaster” in a Twitter post on Tuesday.

Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, expressed frustratio­n with the delayed results on Tuesday, after having said at a latenight rally he was going to the next early voting state of New Hampshire victorious.

“I don’t think there’s a person in the country more impatient than I am” to get official results, he said on MSNBC.

Buttigieg and frontrunne­r Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator, released their campaigns’ own count of the Iowa vote which showed them having done well.

Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Troy Price said the mobile app was recording data accurately but only partial data. The coding problem was fixed and state officials are verifying the data from the app with required paper documentat­ion, he said.

Some local officials reported having trouble using the mobile app to report results from 1,600 schools, community centers and other locations. But when they turned to the traditiona­l method - the telephone they were put on hold and could not get through.

“We had people with their phones on speaker who were stuck on hold from 9 through at least 11,” said Bret Nilles, the Democratic Party chairman in Linn County.

He said he had no problems recording results through the app.

Democratic candidates left Iowa for New Hampshire, which hosts the next nominating contest on Feb. 11, without knowing who leads the race to take on Trump.

The chaos was likely to stoke criticism from some Democrats who have long complained the largely white farm state has an outsized role in determinin­g the party’s presidenti­al nominee.


Trump took a swipe at the Democrats, 11 of whom are contenders in the state-bystate battle to face him in November.

“Nothing works, just like they ran the Country.” He also said the delay was not Iowa’s fault and pledged that Republican­s would continue to uphold the tradition of early Iowa caucuses.

After more than a year of campaignin­g and more than $800 million in spending, the results in Iowa were expected to begin to provide answers for a party desperatel­y trying to figure out how to beat the businessma­n-turnedpres­ident.

While Republican­s were quick to pounce on the problems, their party has its own history of presidenti­al election chaos in Iowa. On the night of the party’s 2012 caucuses, Mitt Romney was declared to have won by only eight votes. But two weeks later, the party declared that Rick Santorum had actually won by 34 votes. Romney went on to be the nominee.

There were no serious allegation­s of any foul play in Iowa on Monday.

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