The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Keeping up momentum

‘1917’ wins best film and best director at BAFTA awards


LONDON – First World War drama “1917” was the big winner at the BAFTAs on Sunday, picking up seven awards including best picture and director for Sam Mendes, at a glittering ceremony that made headlines for a glaring lack of diversity among nominees.

The thrilling drama, shot in what appears to be a single take, was also honored in the outstandin­g British film, sound, production design, cinematogr­aphy and special visual effects categories.

Britain’s top movie awards have been criticized for having all-white shortlists in its acting categories and an all-male one for director, triggering the use of the hashtag #BaftasSoWh­ite on social media.

BAFTA boss Amanda Berry had said she was “very disappoint­ed” by the lack of diversity.

Joaquin Phoenix, voted best actor for his critically acclaimed transforma­tion from vulnerable loner into confident villain in “Joker”, addressed the issue head on in his acceptance speech.

The industry was sending “a very clear message to people of color that you’re not welcome here”, he said, adding it “was on us” to dismantle a system of oppression.

Award presenter Rebel Wilson drew the biggest laughs and cheers of the evening when, after reading out the all-male best director list, said: “I don’t think I could do what they do, honestly I just don’t have the balls.”

Actress Scarlett Johansson, who missed out in the leading and supporting actress categories, told Reuters the all-male directing shortlist showed women were being held back and the industry had to be mindful of the issue.

“It’s pretty disappoint­ing, especially because there were so many great films this year that happened to be directed by women,” she said.

Renee Zellweger beat Johansson to the best actress gong for her portrayal of Judy Garland in “Judy”.

The two will go head-tohead again at the Oscars on Feb. 9.

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