The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Three Rivers looking to brighten up Montague with trail, crosswalk lights


THREE RIVERS - Council is setting its sights on trail and crosswalk lights for Montague.

Coun. Alan Munro made two requests for decisions during Three Rivers' committee council meeting at the Cavendish Farms Wellness Centre in Montague on June 22.

The first was to have solar-powered lights installed along a patch of the Confederat­ion Trail in Montague which stretches from the waterfront to Shaw's Lane.

"That trail keeps people active 12 months of the year. The town plows it in the wintertime," Munro said. "There's no doubt in my mind that's the most heavily used part of the trails in Three Rivers."

Since the Confederat­ion Trail is under provincial jurisdicti­on, Three Rivers would have to approach the province to have the lights installed. Munro suggested tapping into P.E.I.'s active transporta­tion fund to cover the cost, in part because the municipali­ty hasn't made much use of it, he said.

"I mean it's a $25-million fund," he said. "I think Three Rivers should get on the ball."

Many councillor­s were on board with this idea.

"I think we've been approached by people already asking for something like this on that trail," Coun. Cody Jenkins said.

Munro also requested that flashing lights be added to six of Montague's crosswalks as the town has some of the heaviest traffic in Three Rivers. He's heard from some neighbourh­ood parents who expressed concern about their children's safety while using some crosswalks, he said.

"I feel it would help move people safely through the town."

This would also require working with the provincial government. Some councillor­s noted that previous councils have tried for similar crosswalk initiative­s but weren't successful in getting anything to move forward.

"Sometimes, we've been successful in getting our needs met, sometimes we haven't," Deputy Mayor Debbie Johnston said. "(But) it's a great wish list."

Both requests were moved forward to be further assessed at a future council meeting.

Daniel Brown is a local journalism initiative reporter, a position funded by the federal government.

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