The Guardian (Charlottetown)

A welcoming place?


It was announced that P.E.I. would be allowing seasonal residents to apply and begin the process of returning to the Island.

Needless to say, there were a few who reacted in fear and, to put it quite bluntly, ignorance. They began a campaign of bullying tactics towards the chief public health officer, Dr. Heather Morrison and Premier Dennis King.

Their main issue appears to be that it is too soon to allow fellow Canadians, especially those who come from provinces that have not been as fortunate as ourselves, to come here. I hear this and wonder where are the wonderful, caring Islanders who welcomed us here eight years ago?

Where are the Islanders who showed us around, let us know where to get the best deals and when the 70-km yard sale was? Those Islanders who made me realize that retiring here, 4,000 km away from family and lifelong friends, was the right decision and would be there if we needed a hand or a shoulder.

Maybe we should think about those seasonal Islanders who may need a break away from the stress and fear in their home province and want to return to a place where they have felt safe and welcome. Wonder how they'll feel now?

Dr. Morrison and Premier King said these people must apply and go through a rigorous process before being granted entry to the Island. So maybe we should trust those that have gotten us this far, to keep us safe going forward. For those of you who think it's too soon, when will be the right time? When will it have been long enough to have been virus-free for them or for us?

Let's be cautious but, please, let's start living again as human beings.

Maureen Redsky, Rocky Point

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