The Guardian (Charlottetown)



It is encouragin­g to see calls for improved energy efficiency in buildings. (Sustainabl­e investment­s to reduce emissions, June 19). It is a positive step forward. I am concerned about the almost universal faith in “renewable” energy, that is solar, wind and biomas. This has been the underlying rationale for legislatio­n in Britain, which requires a “net-zero carbon” economy by 2050. The Climate Change Act is now law, and this will make it illegal to burn fossil fuels, a total ban. Europe is going in the same direction, the Australian Labor Party has the same policy, and there are calls from Greens and others for similar legislatio­n here in Canada. What about agricultur­e if we can’t use tractors? Can battery-driven tractors take their place? Have people not thought through the end results of this policy? We are told the energy for this utopia will come from renewables. From where will the energy come for the huge amount on mining necessary to supply the materials for such an economy? How will the wind turbines and solar panels be manufactur­ed, installed and serviced without diesel-fuelled machines? How will we manufactur­e the huge amounts of steel, aluminum, concrete and glass required without burning coal? I do believe there is a madness afoot in this world in the response to the alarmist position on climate change. We all need to give our heads a good shake and take notice of all the science, not just the apocalypti­c prediction­s of one section of the science community.

Peter Noakes, Charlottet­own

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