The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Charlottet­own tree inventory available to the public


Detailed informatio­n about some of the trees in Charlottet­own is now available to the public online through the city’s street tree and park tree inventory.

The public data includes informatio­n such as species, size and planting details.

The first stage of the inventory was in 2015 when the city was able to use a TD and Tree Canada grant to hire Davey Resource Group to collect data on Charlottet­own’s street trees.

Since then, city employees have inventorie­d trees in the open park spaces.

Trees within forested natural areas are not included in the inventory.

Through the online database, the public can access basic tree informatio­n.

The administra­tive side of the database includes informatio­n staff use for managing tree maintenanc­e schedules for pruning, removals, watering, etc.; developing strategic tree planting plans; creating management strategies for invasive species; and delivering the tree protection bylaw as well as urban forest management.

For more informatio­n, visit Charlottet­­ory.

The inventory is used daily by staff and is updated continuous­ly with informatio­n such as the addition of new trees, future planting locations and notes from resident calls.

The idea to take the database public was inspired by city staff an Charlottet­own resident Peter Rukavina.

Every effort has been made to provide accurate informatio­n in the database.

Neverthele­ss, errors in informatio­n may occur.

Informatio­n in the database is subject to change.

If in question, details such as tree ownership should be verified with city staff.

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