The Guardian (Charlottetown)



I have to wonder why our politician­s become so immersed in their own importance.

Become too big to respond to concerned citizens and their issues. In today’s provincial government when I send an email to a minister the only response, and I don’t always even get a response, it’s from some minion in his/her department. They always have ready “non” answers right on the tip of their tongues! It’s not their fault, just doing what they are told to do.

I think back to these same politician­s during elections. They arrive on your doorstep, smiling and ever so eager to listen to your concerns. They agree with your issues and promise if they are elected, they will do everything in their power to see those things are dealt with. Most of us know that will be the last we will see or hear from them until the next election.

Once in government they do as the oligarchs of the backroom directs. They do what the corporatio­ns and big businesses demand. They continue the generous grants to groups like the Murphys, Maritime Bus, lawyers etc. The rich get richer and minimum wage remains in place for so many struggling islanders.

It’s difficult to understand how people who are mostly like ourselves, once elected become so polar opposite. For the most part they are young men and women working and raising a family. Shop where we shop, their children go to the same schools as our children; they attend the same churches, sports events, theatres and they live in the same neighbourh­oods.

But mention clear cutting, industrial farming, huge holding ponds, fish kills, PNP, internet gambling or toxic chemical spraying. We are faced with a wall of silence!

I’m not sure where the answer lies, I believe a good place to start would be election reform to a system of proportion­al representa­tion. Something must change soon or we will be living on an island devoid of trees, water and breathable air.

F. Ben Rodgers, Abram-Village

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