The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Clever winter craft for kids

- CINDY DAY Weathermai­l@WeatherByD­ay @CindyDayWe­ather Cindy Day is SaltWire Network’s Chief Meteorolog­ist

Every time I express my enthusiasm over a lovely snowfall, it is met with an overwhelmi­ng chorus of boos! I’m not sure when Maritimers started disliking snow, but I never will. Snowfall plays a significan­t role in topping up the water table. It’s also a source of valuable moisture come spring, as dry winters can lead to dangerous forest fires during the summer months.

For now, I will drop the topic of snow and shift to the cold. Colder weather, some might say, is healthier than mild weather in the winter. I’m not sure if that has been proven, but one thing I do know about the cold is that it can be fun. One year, following an especially wet fall, the fields behind the barn froze solid. I remember skating for hours — only slowed down a little by having to hop over the page-wire fence to get to the next field. Without the cold, I would not have had this sweet, though icy, memory of home.

The other day, Lorraine Seward Smith posted a picture on my Facebook page that caught my eye. It was icy art for the outdoors!

Lorraine’s sister must love the winter season as much as I do. Instead of entertaini­ng her grandchild­ren with indoor crafts, she took them out into the cold.

These unique outdoor ornaments are inexpensiv­e and fun to make. When they’re ready, you can hang them in trees in your yard.

You will need:

• A container — tin pie plate works well

• Little bits of nature — branches, leaves, pebbles, berries

• Wire to hang it

Once you’ve placed your items in the container, add water and your hanger and set it outside to freeze. Remove the container et voila!

Lorraine’s friend thought to add birdseed to the water; a special little treat for our feathered friends. Once you’ve hung your creations outside, you’ll want the cold weather to stick around.

I think this is a beautiful way to embrace winter. Thank you, Lorraine, for sharing this clever winter activity with us.

 ??  ?? “It’s a perfect, easy, cheap little craft to do during frigid days,” says Lorraine Seward Smith, Lower Sackville, N.S.
“It’s a perfect, easy, cheap little craft to do during frigid days,” says Lorraine Seward Smith, Lower Sackville, N.S.

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