The Guardian (Charlottetown)

The many values of evergreens

Choose a mix of coniferous and deciduous trees

- MARK & BEN CULLEN @markcullen­gardening Mark Cullen is an expert gardener, author, broadcaste­r, tree advocate and Member of the Order of Canada. His son, Ben, is a fourth-generation urban gardener and graduate of University of Guelph and Da

Very soon we will be in awe of the leaf colours across Canada.

Then, they fall to the ground.

After deciduous trees drop their leaves, Canadians are left looking through bare tree branches at each other. Your neighbours can now see into your kitchen (or worse) and your privacy is only protected by the cold space between your window and your neighbours.

That is, unless you planted evergreens.

Evergreens do not drop their leaves as they have needles, which serve much the same function that leaves do during the growing months. But come winter, they stay on the plant in a dormant state, waiting for spring.

We are not in favour of landscapes that are entirely evergreen (coniferous) or deciduous, but we like a thoughtful mix of the two.

Here are our top picks for Canadian gardens:

1. White Pine (pinus strobus): This is the tree that made Ontario famous and is the official tree of the province. When the British arrived here, they saw the white pine evergreens that dominated the mixed hardwood forests and they wanted them to build the British navy after they had cut down all the big trees in the U.K. for the same purpose. While the original giant (virgin) pine is virtually gone, white pine is still a mighty fine choice for the landscape, especially where it is protected from prevailing northwest winds. Soft, flexible needles, it grows to eight metres high and grows best in light sandy soil.

2. Norway spruce (picea abies): This is fast growing with a classic Christmas tree shape. Give it lots of space as it matures to five metres wide at the bottom and 20 metres high. Branches have a slightly

drooping appearance If anyone asks if it is not well, tell them this is a special feature of the tree.

3. Balsam fir (abies balsamea): This is the king of the Maritime forest. It prefers a moist, open soil, much as cedars do, and has soft needles with classic evergreen fragrance. It grows to 20 metres high and four metres wide.

4. Eastern hemlock (tsuga canadensis): A large evergreen, it performs well in the shade and is another native to Central Canada. Hemlock thrives in the dappled shade of the understory of deciduous forests. Our experience has taught us that hemlocks are best planted small. A tree more than a metre high does not transplant well and takes longer to grow than a shorter version, purchased for less money by someone with a little more patience. It matures to 20 metres high and eight metres wide, when given enough room. Hemlock lends itself to pruning if you wish to contain it.

5. Junipers: With hundreds of junipers to choose from, the Sheridan Nurseries Garden Guide states that, “there is a juniper for every garden”. Mark was raised on junipers, but now that he is grown up he believes that there is no juniper for his garden. We cannot let his personal taste (or lack of it) get in the way of good garden design. There are very low, prostrate varieties like dwarf Japanese garden (juniperus

procumbens ‘nana’) and tall, upright specimens like Mountbatte­n, a fast-growing Canadian introducti­on that matures to six metres tall and two metres wide. All junipers need sun and are prickly to handle. Mark reminds us to wear gloves.

6. Yews (taxus): This versatile, slow-growing evergreen creates great hedges or specimens that can be pruned into lollipops or owls or whatever your heart desires. Pyramid Japanese yew is the classic foundation plant. Featuring deep green colour and generally good shade tolerance, yews enjoy dry, welldraine­d soil.

When you go shopping for evergreens be sure to pay close attention to the ultimate height on the label. A dwarf Alberta spruce is not what we call dwarf as it matures to about 2.5 metres. Avoid Scots pine (pinus sylvestris) as it is thin, straggly and has a rangy, discombobu­lated growth habit. However, it looks great in its native Scottish highland.

If you have a Scottish background you might want to plant one for posterity. Too bad about your plunging property value though.

 ?? ?? Depending on the space available for planting, there are many varieties of evergreens that will enhance a garden or a yard. CONTRIBUTE­D
Depending on the space available for planting, there are many varieties of evergreens that will enhance a garden or a yard. CONTRIBUTE­D
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