The Guardian (Charlottetown)



Ever wonder what happens to some people when they are elected to a position in government. Well, let me tell you about one.

Several years ago there was a guy named King who was elected to the office of premier here on P.E.I. Now in fairness to him, he had no experience as a politician other than being a go-to person for another premier for years and had political appointee jobs for different department­s in government­s. Also, he told stories for a living on stage as an entertaine­r so he had, as we say on P.E.I., a “gift of the gab.”

In the beginning, he was out there passing money out during COVID-19 and kept telling everyone to be safe. He then decided to take to a higher level and went to Ottawa with his potato mascot to deal with the potato problem and not to be outdone by James Stewart (“Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.”)

In the legislatur­e, he performed magnificen­tly with his storytelli­ng abilities and his best supporting team, the Greens, backed him every time there was heckling from the Liberals. People were so totally enthralled with this guy, they put him back in office for another term.

But sadly, he ran out of roles to play as a premier and decided to take his lead from a guy named Trump who lives in Florida. Recently in the legislatur­e, King tried out his newfound role model on his colleague, a guy named Peter. His performanc­e was excellent; he had Trump down to a T. Unfortunat­ely, he lost his sparkling image in the performanc­e.

In the legislatur­e, his newfound ability of gaslightin­g came out when he said that Peter was a shadow of himself and he was a headline hunter. Being a gaslighter is a quality that is not needed in these times. Will next thing he will say be, “It’s all about me?”

Bruce Macisaac, Charlottet­own, P.E.I.

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