The Guardian (Charlottetown)



Do the Einsteins that work at Charlottet­own City Hall ever walk anywhere around this fine city, or is walking from Point A to Point B simply something that we mere mortals do?

Let's assume that these ever-so-clever people do actually walk from Point A to Point B and, furthermor­e, that Point A is City Hall and Point B is the bus terminal on Mount Edward Road.

Now, the Einsteins come out of City Hall and walk along Queen Street to the intersecti­on of Queen and Euston. The Einsteins cross Euston and turn right and continue until they come to Prince Street, which they will again go straight across. Then, when they come to the intersecti­on of Euston and Longworth, they bear left and continue along Longworth Avenue. When they come to the old 1911 jail, they will again bear left and go across the parking lot in front of the 1911 jail. After they have crossed in front of the old jail, they can safely proceed no further.

Would Einstein, Einstein and Einstein, and all the little Einsteins, please pretend that they are mere mortals and explain to me exactly what you expect people to do next. They can either go no further or walk along that very narrow, extremely busy street up to the bus terminal.

And, let us remember, some of these pedestrian­s heading to the bus are tourists with all their personal belongings and God knows how many Anne of Green Gables dolls.

Could the employees at city hall, and Einstein, Einstein and Einstein, please have something done about this situation?

Eric Hurlburt, Charlottet­own, P.E.I.

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