The Guardian (Charlottetown)

Anyone guess what Argentina’s Milei is up to?

- PETER MCKENNA COMMENTARY Peter Mckenna is professor of political science at the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottet­own.

What is with Argentina’s mercurial and bombastic president,

nd Javier Milei? Perhaps it is true what some commentato­rs are saying about him – namely, that he is trying to channel his inner former U.S. president Donald Trump.

Obviously operating under a tremendous amount of strain given his unflatteri­ng domestic political and economic situation, Milei recently took pot-shots at outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and current Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. After the self-described anarcho-capitalist called AMLO “ignorant,” the Mexican president responded by saying that he couldn’t understand how intelligen­t Argentines could vote for someone “who despises the people” like Milei does. In turn, Brazil’s Lula returned the favour for Milei’s “communist” tag by signalling him out as little more than a “primitive” nationalis­t.


Not surprising­ly, the far rightleani­ng Milei also saved some of his verbal artillery for his leftist neighbours and harshest critics in Colombia and Venezuela. He has absolutely no time for Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro and Colombia’s Gustavo Petro – and would dearly love to see them defeated or removed from power.

In a recent news interview, Milei wasted no time in trashing Petro and smearing his name. Besides the usual barbs of Petro being a “communist” and a Cuba camp-follower, he took things to a different level by labelling Petro a “murderer” and a “terrorist.”

Colombia’s Ministry of Foreign Relations was quick to respond to Milei’s slanderous comments. Its official statement noted: “The Argentine president’s comments have deteriorat­ed the trust of our nation, in addition to offending the dignity of President Petro, who was democratic­ally elected.”

It is worth rememberin­g that Bogotá recalled its ambassador to Argentina in January after Milei unleashed an earlier barrage of similar remarks. But this time, Colombia took it a step further and actually expelled a number of Argentine diplomats from the country.

The truth is that Petro, though a former member of the long-disbanded M-19 guerrilla movement, never directly participat­ed in any terror attacks in Colombia. But Milei has no interest in the truth.

In addition to breathless­ly insulting Venezuela by referring to it as a “butcher shop” where there is unpreceden­ted “carnage,” Milei is calling for the imposition of sanctions to isolate Venezuela hemispheri­cally and to compel it to introduce democratic reforms. Of course, this will be a non-starter in much of the left-leaning region.

While Maduro was not about to shy away from a verbal jousting match, he left it up to Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yván Gil to respond. Gil opined that Milei’s comments merely reduced him to a “spokespers­on” for Venezuela’s far-right oligarchy and its persistent and shortsight­ed call for “invasions and sanctions.”

He then went on to needle Milei further: “Instead of wagging your tail for your masters, worry yourself about the internal affairs of your country, which are already quite tangled.”


I have to say that I’m not exactly sure why Milei is making these offensive and inflammato­ry remarks. But I do have a few educated guesses that I can offer.

First, this is part of a wellworn tactic of trying to change the channel and to divert attention away from Milei’s flailing austerity program. His most recent iteration of neoliberal “shock therapy” has precipitat­ed regular citizen demonstrat­ions in the streets and left Argentina in tatters – with inflation running at 270 per cent (the highest in the world), poverty rates rising by over 50 per cent and tens of thousands of public sector workers recently terminated.

This has all added to Argentina’s growing debt, a crackdown on public dissent and political uncertaint­y. No wonder Milei wants to change the conversati­on to anything other than Argentina’s present economic and financial malaise.


Secondly, Milei is merely trying to take a page out of the Trump political playbook of “flooding the playing field” with incendiary brickbats, engaging in relentless distractio­n and dividing and polarizing the citizenry. He is clearly seeking to play to his populist base in Argentina and to solidify further his “outsider” persona.

It may very well be that he is also banking on Trump to win the November U.S. presidenti­al election. Milei’s most recent outbursts, then, are really about highlighti­ng his efforts to curry favour with the Republican standard-bearer.

All of this name-calling and back and forth, though, only serves to impede regional cooperatio­n and collaborat­ion on a host of serious economic, social and environmen­tal challenges. Moreover, the people of South America have seen this kind of vapid mudslingin­g between right- and left-leaning political leaders before. It was counterpro­ductive then, and it is equally unhelpful today.

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